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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4084356

Incorrect specifications in Polish locale



    • 1.2beta4
    • x86
    • windows_95
    • Not verified


      Name: joT67522 Date: 10/06/97

      A specification of Polish locale has incorrect values and collation sequence specification
      is incomplete. This affects JDK versions from 1.1.1 to 1.1.4 on Solaris and Windows platforms.
      The necessary changes in file LocaleElements_pl.java from package java.text.resources,
      short explanations:
      1. Some month and day of week name abbreviations were changed according to Polish speaking
      2. In currency pattern: local currency symbol follows digits (not precedes).
      3. International currency symbol has hanged from PLZ to PLN after zloty denomination:
         (1 PLN = 10000 PLZ)
      4. Date patterns: order Day Month Year when month name is used, but yyyy.MM.dd when numeric
         (official standard - people mostly use d.MM.yyyy).
      5. first day of week is Monday.
      6. Sorting rules: d<stroke> does not exist in Polish. We have 9 additional characters to ASCII
         charset. 8 characters are Polish specific, o<acute> exist in other languages. If you decide
         to follow BugID 4052388 (default collation table incomplete) you may safely put those 8 chars
         into default collation table (it would be a very good solution for multilingual applications).
         o<acute> is probably sorted differently in other languages.

      A modified LocaleElements_pl.java (without Copyright header):
      A "!" character in comment means the line was changed.
      A "+" character in comment means the line was added.
      A "-" character in comment means the line should be removed.
      package java.text.resources;

      public class LocaleElements_pl extends LocaleData {

          public LocaleElements_pl() {

          static String table []={
      /* locale id based on iso codes */ "pl_PL",
      /* Windows id */ "0415",
      /* iso: 3 character lang name */ "pll",
      /* iso: 3 character country name */ "PLL",
      /* language names */ "en_Polish; pl_Polski",
      /* country names */ "en_Poland; pl_Polska",
      /* january */ "Stycze\u0144",
      /* february */ "Luty",
      /* march */ "Marzec",
      /* april */ "Kwiecie\u0144",
      /* may */ "Maj",
      /* june */ "Czerwiec",
      /* july */ "Lipiec",
      /* august */ "Sierpie\u0144",
      /* september */ "Wrzesie\u0144",
      /* october */ "Pa\u017adziernik",
      /* november */ "Listopad",
      /* december */ "Grudzie\u0144",
      /* month 13 if applicable */ "",
      /* ! */ /* abb january */ "Sty",
      /* abb february */ "Luty",
      /* abb march */ "Marz",
      /* abb april */ "Kwie",
      /* abb may */ "Maj",
      /* abb june */ "Czer",
      /* ! */ /* abb july */ "Lip",
      /* abb august */ "Sier",
      /* abb september */ "Wrze",
      /* ! */ /* abb october */ "Pa\u017a",
      /* ! */ /* abb november */ "Lis",
      /* ! */ /* abb december */ "Gru",
      /* abb month 13 if applicable */ "",
      /* sunday */ "Niedziela",
      /* monday */ "Poniedzia\u0142ek",
      /* tuesday */ "Wtorek",
      /* wednesday */ "\u015aroda",
      /* thursday */ "Czwartek",
      /* friday */ "Pi\u0105tek",
      /* saturday */ "Sobota",
      /* ! */ /* abb sunday */ "N",
      /* abb monday */ "Pn",
      /* abb tuesday */ "Wt",
      /* abb wednesday */ "\u015ar",
      /* abb thursday */ "Cz",
      /* abb friday */ "Pt",
      /* abb saturday */ "So",
      /* am marker; default is AM */ "AM",
      /* pm marker; default is PM */ "PM",
      /* era strings */ "p.n.e.;n.e.",
      /* decimal pattern */ "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###",
      /* ! */ /* currency pattern */ "#,##0.## Z\u0142;-#,##0.## Z\u0142",
      /* percent pattern */ "#,##0%",
      /* decimal separator */ ",",
      /* group (thousands) separator */ ".",
      /* list separator */ "",
      /* percent sign */ "%",
      /* native 0 digit */ "0",
      /* pattern digit */ "#",
      /* minus sign */ "-",
      /* exponential */ "E",
      /* local currency symbol */ "Z\u0142",
      /* ! */ /* intl currency symbol */ "PLN ",
      /* monetary decimal separator */ ",",
      /* Full time pattern */ "H:mm:ss z",
      /* Long time pattern */ "H:mm:ss z",
      /* Default time pattern */ "H:mm:ss",
      /* Short time pattern */ "H:mm",
      /* ! */ /* Full date pattern */ "EEEE, d MMMM yyyy",
      /* ! */ /* Long date pattern */ "d MMMM yyyy",
      /* ! */ /* Default date pattern */ "yyyy.MM.dd",
      /* ! */ /* Short date pattern */ "yy.MM.dd",
      /* Date-Time pattern */ "{1} {0}",
      /* ! */ /* First day of week */ "2",
      /* Min days in first week*/ "1",
      /* for pl_PL, default sorting except for the following: */
      /* - */ /* add d<stroke> between d and e. - removed: it does not exist in Polish */
      /* + */ /* add a<ogonek> between a and b. */
      /* + */ /* add c<acute> between c and d. */
      /* + */ /* add e<ogonek> between e and f. */
      /* add l<stroke> between l and m. */
      /* + */ /* add n<acute> between n and o. */
      /* + */ /* add o<acute> between o and p. */
      /* + */ /* add s<acute> between s and t. */
      /* add z<abovedot> after z. */
      /* + */ /* add z<acute> between z and z<abovedot>. */
      /* - */ /* "& D < \u0111, \u0110" - removed */ /* d<stroke> */
      /* + */ "& A < \u0105, \u0104" /* a<ogonek> */
      /* + */ +"& C < \u0107, \u0106" /* c<acute> */
      /* + */ +"& E < \u0119, \u0118" /* e<ogonek> */
      +"& L < \u0142, \u0141" /* l<stroke> */
      /* + */ +"& N < \u0144, \u0143" /* n<acute> */
      /* + */ +"& O < \u00f3, \u00d3" /* o<acute> */
      /* + */ +"& S < \u015b, \u015a" /* s<acute> */
      +"& Z < \u017c, \u017b" /* z<abovedot> */
      /* + */ +"& Z < \u017a, \u0179" /* z<acute> */




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