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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4084384

KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE missing in 1.1.x


    • 1.1.5
    • generic, unknown
    • solaris_2.4, solaris_2.5.1
    • Verified

      In some places in the 1.1.x networking code we don't make sure that KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE macros are there.

      This is the mail messages:

      Many of the comments in the message from DEC is the result of
      misunderstandings of how the 1.1/1.2 VM interacts with GC and C
      compilers. There appears to be a bug in DEC's GC code:

      > So, regarding the MCI bug, it could be that in fact the pointer to the
      > object is in fact stashed on the stack, and we just don't pick it up
      > during the gc scan.

      The KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE macro is an adequate fix. It stashes
      the pointer on the stack, but the GC scan must pick it up.
      Something's wrong with their GC code if it's not picking up
      all the pointers on stack.

      In the long run, JavaSoft is systematically addressing the problem
      in two ways:

      1. Convert all native libraries to JNI. None of the JNI libraries
      suffer from this problem. The new libraries are available in

      2. The next generation VM (HotSpot) will not reply on conservative


      Jonathan Benoit - JavaSoft East wrote:
      > hi all,
      > OEM disagrees with KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE fix, they think this is a "pervasive and
      > fundamental problem which needs to be addressed systematically by Javasoft".
      > comments?
      > Here are the details from OEM (DEC):
      > -----------------------------------
      > I) We think that, at best, KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE is a compiler
      > dependent and/or machine dependent fix, and therefore a bad
      > idea in any case and certainly not appropriate for machine
      > independent code. Excerpt from a mail message to explain this
      > further follows here:
      > ...
      > I think I see what he's trying to do here with KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE,
      > but it's unclear to me whether it works in all cases.
      > They're trying to insure that an "alive pointer" gets picked up
      > within a register for a given call frame when the collector scans
      > the C stack for pointers. By referencing the pointer the way
      > they have, with the strange test for 0, they *hope* to keep the
      > pointer laying around in the frame for a *previous* call, so that
      > the collector won't move the object around.
      > This seems bogus to me for a couple reasons:
      > 1. The description for register v0 states clearly that it is
      > not preserved around function calls. So in the case of
      > a code sequence like the original case that we found:
      > namearray = (HString **)unhand(namearrayhandle)->body;
      > namearray[i] = makeJavaString(buffer, strlen(buffer));
      > there is no guarentee that namearray[i] is anywhere in the
      > context of the makeJavaString frame. namearray is probably
      > hanging out on the stack some place similar to this:
      > 0x120001258: 6b5b4d61 jsr ra, (t12), 0x1200047e0(zero)
      > 0x12000125c: 27ba2000 ldah gp, 8192(ra)
      > 0x120001260: 23bd6e34 lda gp, 28212(gp)
      > 0x120001264: b41e0008 stq v0, 8(sp)
      > But if the compiler has sufficient knowledge about the function(s),
      > I would hypothesize that it *might* not always do this. It could
      > also easily store it away in an offset-to-gp storage location
      > that wouldn't get picked up during the scan.
      > 2. Any assertion that something is guarenteed to be in an argument
      > register is invalid on Alpha. "a0-a5: Used to pass the first
      > six actual arguments. Not preserved across procedure calls."
      > So, regarding the MCI bug, it could be that in fact the pointer to the
      > object is in fact stashed on the stack, and we just don't pick it up
      > during the gc scan. But it also might not be on the stack at all.
      > II)
      > Even if KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE were an adequate fix, we have so far found
      > the following instances where 1) the same potential bug footprint
      > occurs, i.e. an unhand followed by a memory operation that can provoke
      > GC followed by a use of the unhanded pointer; 2) there is either no
      > use of unhand or a suspicious one. This isn't a complete list: we're
      > still looking.
      > Definite bugs:
      > file var func
      > solaris/net/
      > socket.c fdptr java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketCreate
      > socket.c sptr java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketAccept
      > socket.c sptr_fdptr java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketAccept
      > socket.c fdptr
      > java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_datagramSocketCreate
      > share/java/lang/
      > filesystem.c thisptr java_io_File_list0
      > io.c fdptr java_io_RandomAccessFile_writeBytes
      > src/solaris/sun/
      > awt_Canvas.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MCanvasPeer_create
      > awt_Choice.c odata sun_awt_motif_MChoicePeer_addItem
      > awt_Choice.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MChoicePeer_setFont
      > awt_Choice.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MChoicePeer_pReshape
      > awt_Choice.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MChoicePeer_remove
      > awt_FileDialog wdata sun_awt_motif_MFileDialogPeer_create
      > Assuming X is a GC trigger point, also likely bugs:
      > src/solaris/sun/
      > awt_Button.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MButtonPeer_create
      > awt_Button.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MButtonPeer_setLabel
      > awt_Checkbox.c target sun_awt_motif_MCheckboxPeer_create
      > awt_Checkbox.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MCheckboxPeer_create
      > awt_Checkbox.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MCheckboxPeer_setLabel
      > awt_Choice.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MChoicePeer_create
      > awt_Component.c eventPtr sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_handleEvent
      > awt_Component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pInitialize
      > awt_Component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pShow
      > awt_Component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_setFont
      > awt_Component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_setCursor
      > awt_Component.c bdata sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_setForeground
      > awt_Component.c bdata sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_setBackground
      > awt_Dialog.c targetPtr sun_awt_motif_MDialogPeer_create
      > awt_Dialog.c parentData sun_awt_motif_MDialogPeer_create
      > awt_Dialog.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MDialogPeer_pShow
      > awt_Dialog.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MDialogPeer_pHide
      > awt_Dialog.c wdata sun_awt_motif_MDialogPeer_pReshape
      > awt_FileDialog targetPtr sun_awt_motif_MFileDialogPeer_create
      > awt_FileDialog wdata sun_awt_motif_MFileDialogPeer_pShow
      > awt_FileDialog wdata sun_awt_motif_MFileDialogPeer_setFileEntry
      > awt_FileDialog tdata sun_awt_motif_MFileDialogPeer_setFont
      > Relies on dodgy KEEP_POINTER_ALIVE macro:
      > share/java/lang/
      > io.c dataptr java_io_FileOutputStream_writeBytes
      > io.c dataptr java_io_RandomAccessFile_writeBytes
      > io.c dataptr java_io_FileOutputStream_writeBytes
      > What needs to be done to escalate this?

      hi all,

      oem disagrees with keep_pointer_alive fix, they think this is a "pervasive and
      fundamental problem which needs to be addressed systematically by javasoft".


      here are the details from oem (dec):

      i) we think that, at best, keep_pointer_alive is a compiler
      dependent and/or machine dependent fix, and therefore a bad
      idea in any case and certainly not appropriate for machine
      independent code. excerpt from a mail message to explain this
      further follows here:


      i think i see what he's trying to do here with keep_pointer_alive,
      but it's unclear to me whether it works in all cases.

      they're trying to insure that an "alive pointer" gets picked up
      within a register for a given call frame when the collector scans
      the c stack for pointers. by referencing the pointer the way
      they have, with the strange test for 0, they *hope* to keep the
      pointer laying around in the frame for a *previous* call, so that
      the collector won't move the object around.

      this seems bogus to me for a couple reasons:

        1. the description for register v0 states clearly that it is
            not preserved around function calls. so in the case of
            a code sequence like the original case that we found:

              namearray = (hstring **)unhand(namearrayhandle)->body;
              namearray[i] = makejavastring(buffer, strlen(buffer));

            there is no guarentee that namearray[i] is anywhere in the
            context of the makejavastring frame. namearray is probably
            hanging out on the stack some place similar to this:

        0x120001258: 6b5b4d61 jsr ra, (t12), 0x1200047e0(zero)
        0x12000125c: 27ba2000 ldah gp, 8192(ra)
        0x120001260: 23bd6e34 lda gp, 28212(gp)
        0x120001264: b41e0008 stq v0, 8(sp)

            but if the compiler has sufficient knowledge about the function(s),
            i would hypothesize that it *might* not always do this. it could
            also easily store it away in an offset-to-gp storage location
            that wouldn't get picked up during the scan.

        2. any assertion that something is guarenteed to be in an argument
            register is invalid on alpha. "a0-a5: used to pass the first
            six actual arguments. not preserved across procedure calls."

      so, regarding the mci bug, it could be that in fact the pointer to the
      object is in fact stashed on the stack, and we just don't pick it up
      during the gc scan. but it also might not be on the stack at all.


      even if keep_pointer_alive were an adequate fix, we have so far found
      the following instances where 1) the same potential bug footprint
      occurs, i.e. an unhand followed by a memory operation that can provoke
      gc followed by a use of the unhanded pointer; 2) there is either no
      use of unhand or a suspicious one. this isn't a complete list: we're
      still looking.

      definite bugs:
      file var func
      socket.c fdptr java_net_plainsocketimpl_socketcreate
      socket.c sptr java_net_plainsocketimpl_socketaccept
      socket.c sptr_fdptr java_net_plainsocketimpl_socketaccept
      socket.c fdptr
      filesystem.c thisptr java_io_file_list0
      io.c fdptr java_io_randomaccessfile_writebytes
      awt_canvas.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mcanvaspeer_create
      awt_choice.c odata sun_awt_motif_mchoicepeer_additem
      awt_choice.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mchoicepeer_setfont
      awt_choice.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mchoicepeer_preshape
      awt_choice.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mchoicepeer_remove
      awt_filedialog wdata sun_awt_motif_mfiledialogpeer_create

      assuming x is a gc trigger point, also likely bugs:
      awt_button.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mbuttonpeer_create
      awt_button.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mbuttonpeer_setlabel
      awt_checkbox.c target sun_awt_motif_mcheckboxpeer_create
      awt_checkbox.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mcheckboxpeer_create
      awt_checkbox.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mcheckboxpeer_setlabel
      awt_choice.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mchoicepeer_create
      awt_component.c eventptr sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_handleevent
      awt_component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_pinitialize
      awt_component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_pshow
      awt_component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_setfont
      awt_component.c cdata sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_setcursor
      awt_component.c bdata sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_setforeground
      awt_component.c bdata sun_awt_motif_mcomponentpeer_setbackground
      awt_dialog.c targetptr sun_awt_motif_mdialogpeer_create
      awt_dialog.c parentdata sun_awt_motif_mdialogpeer_create
      awt_dialog.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mdialogpeer_pshow
      awt_dialog.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mdialogpeer_phide
      awt_dialog.c wdata sun_awt_motif_mdialogpeer_preshape
      awt_filedialog targetptr sun_awt_motif_mfiledialogpeer_create
      awt_filedialog wdata sun_awt_motif_mfiledialogpeer_pshow
      awt_filedialog wdata sun_awt_motif_mfiledialogpeer_setfileentry
      awt_filedialog tdata sun_awt_motif_mfiledialogpeer_setfont

      relies on dodgy keep_pointer_alive macro:
      io.c dataptr java_io_fileoutputstream_writebytes
      io.c dataptr java_io_randomaccessfile_writebytes
      io.c dataptr java_io_fileoutputstream_writebytes

      what needs to be done to escalate this?

      benjamin.renaud@Eng 1997-10-06

            pyoung Paul Young (Inactive)
            brenaudsunw Benjamin Renaud (Inactive)
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