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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4088218

Double.valueOf() should also parse "1.24D4" apart from the usual "1.24E4"


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6

      Double precision data in Fortran (where the E+- convention originated)
      calls for D+- as the exponent key for floating point data.
      The current parser will not handle standard Fortran output and
      does not differentiate between double precision exponents and floating
      point exponents.

      The request is to have the Double.valueOf string parser recognize standard

        According to the spec the definition is as follows.

                     Signopt Digits . Digitsopt ExponentPartopt
                     Signopt . Digits ExponentPartopt

                     ExponentIndicator SignedInteger

             ExponentIndicator: one of
                     e E

                     Signopt Digits

             Sign: one of
                     + -

        Which means that I was wrong about the leading zero, and it looks like it is the 'D'
        that is complaining about. The D really is only needed in a context free situation
        like a program source file. In your example the string will become a Double by virtue
        of the method being called. It might be a little ungenerous to complain about the D,
        but that looks like the way it is.


        On Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:51:17 -0700, you wrote:

        >Same thing...
        >Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: 0.00000000000000D+00
        >Nik Shaylor wrote:
        >> On Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:04:45 -0700, you wrote:
        >> >Java problems again..
        >> >
        >> >I get the following error on these parses:
        >> >
        >> > Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: .00000000000000D+00
        >> >
        >> > X[I][J] = Double.valueOf(line.substring(1,20)).doubleValue();
        >> >
        >> > Y[I][J] =
        >> >Double.valueOf(line.substring(21,40)).doubleValue();
        >> >
        >> >
        >> >What is being done wrong?
        >> I'm guessing here, but I think it may be that this parse function requires a number
        >> as the first digit. It's not efficient, but you might try:
        >> X[I][J] = Double.valueOf("0"+line.substring(1,20)).doubleValue();
        >> etc.
        >> Nik.


            apalanissunw Anand Palaniswamy (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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