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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4098518

Australian locale information missing



    • x86
    • windows_nt


      Name: joT67522 Date: 12/10/97

      DateFormatZoneData and LocaleElements classes
      in an en_AU flavour are missing. Locale information
      therefore defaults to which is incorrect for Australia.

      How can you ignore Australia? We're not a state
      of the US (yet).


      If you examine the classes in java.text.resources you'll see that there
      are groups of similarly named files. The varying suffixes represent
      different languages/countries. The files contain locale specific information
      that Java uses to format data into text according to the conventions used in
      different countries/ languages - for example how to format
      amounts, names of days, months.

      The locale for Australia is en_AU. Java will first look for a class named
      LocaleElements_en_AU on my system since that is my default locale.
      Since it doesn't find that it loads LocalElements_en. However that file
      locale information for the US. A similar process occurs when Java looks
      for the DateFormatZoneDate file.

      Where locale information is different from the US for Australia, Java will
      format data incorrectly.

      The specific problem I encountered was Java formatting a date using the US
      convention (Month first ) rather than the local convention (Day first), but
      I see from examining the file that currency formatting could also be a

      This will likewise be a problem for people from many other countries also.
      For English speakers more sensible values in LocaleElements_en would reduce
      problems since the US is usually the odd one out.

      People have sent in a fix, see 4069784.

                                        I believe that line 276 of SimpleDateFormat.java
                                        is the culprit.


                                        as can be seen the index of the zone strings is hard coded
                                        and therefore will never change. I am assuming the
                                        zone strings are and will always be loaded the
                                        same no matter which machine or time zone an application
                                        is run.

                                        The probable fix to this is:

                                        Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault(), loc);

                                        However, this code is in JavaSoft's hands and therefore
                                        we are at their mercy.

                                        Fortunately, I have use the following work around
                                        whenever using a SimpleDateFormat.

                                        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("...");
                                        sdf.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getDefault() );

                                        Additionally, any time I retrieve the date/time
                                        instances from DateFormat, I do the above to
                                        ensure the proper format is achieved.

                                        To see what time zone your SimpleDateFormat is using,
                                        do System.out.println(sdf.getTimeZone().getID());

                                        Mon Dec 01 18:37:49 PST 1997

      Hope this helps,

      (Review ID: 21338)


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