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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4109902

JInternalFrame maximize behaviour is not correct.


    • generic, x86
    • solaris_2.5, windows_95, windows_nt

      (I tried this on Windows NT4.0 with windows l&f).

      Try -

      1. Run SwingSet example.
      2. Select InternalFrames Tab.
      3. Set the isClosable, isMaxable, isIconifiable and isResizable to true.
      4. Create a couple of internal frames.
      5. Maximize any of the newly created Iframes.

      The Iframe maximizes. I am not able to move the Iframe, which is what it should do. Also if I resize the SwingSet main frame, the Iframe also tracks the size of the container. Now if I iconize the maximized frame it exposes the
      other Iframe behind it which is not maximized or iconized. SO far so good.
      However if I click on its titlebar it suddenly maximizes. In Microsoft MDI it appears to me that if one is maximized all are maximized. Once maximized the IFrames are not movable and resizable. If one is restored all are restored to their respective states before they were maximized. I also think that
      all IFrames in same layer and below be Maximized or minimized in sync.

      sandip.chitale@Eng 1998-02-05

            hgajewsksunw Hania Gajewska (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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