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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4112236

Proper keyboard navigation must be verified on JDirectoryPane for the JLF LAF


    • unknown
    • solaris_2.4

      The following navigation, activation and selection keyboard bindings on JDirectoryPane need verification for proper operation and key binding sequences.

      Navigate in - Tab
      Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
      Open file - Enter
      Navigate within -
      U/D Arrow = Move focus up/down one row or line
      L/R Arrow = Move focus l/r one component or column
      PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view, first
      focusable component in view gets focus
      home = move to beginning of row or line, first
      focusable component in row/line gets focus
      end = move to end of row or line, last focusable
      component in row/line gets focus
      Ctrl+home = move to beginning of data, first
      focusable component gets focus
      Ctrl+end = move to end of data, last focusable
      component gets focus
      Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view, first
      focusable component in view gets focus
      Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view, first
      focusable component in view gets focus
      Selection -
      Spacebar = Select component
      Ctrl+A, Ctrl+/ = Select all
      Ctrl+\ = De-select all
      Ctrl+Spacebar = Discontiguous extension
      Shift+spacebar = contiguous selection
      Shift+down = extend selection down
      Shift+up = extend selection up
      Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
      Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
      Ctrl+Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of data
      Ctrl+Shift+end = extend selection to end of data
      Shift+left = extend selection left
      Shift+right = extend selection right
      Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
      Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
      Ctrl+Shift+page down = extend selection right one view
      Ctrl+Shift+page up = extend selection left one view

            jeff Jeff Dinkins
            ejohnsonsunw Earl Johnson (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
