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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4113431

JAVAX: AppletClassLoader fails to get resources from installed JARs.


      AppletClassLoader fails to get image and audio resources from installed

      The AppletClassLoader does not retrieve the image and audio resources via
      its AppletClassLoader.getResource() method call for the case when the
      image an audio resources are contained in installed JARs.

      The test case for this is: javax/tests/ins/T13b

      Notice that this test case uses the "appletviewer" tool and the thus the

      Type "make all; make run" to run the test. It fails to get the image
      resource "sunlogo.gif" by the AppletClassLoader.getResource() method call.

      Here is the contents of the JAR file for test T13b.

         306 Wed Feb 18 16:43:10 EST 1998 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
         274 Wed Feb 18 16:40:10 EST 1998 AppType.class
        4585 Wed Feb 18 16:40:12 EST 1998 T13b.class
         477 Wed Feb 18 16:40:10 EST 1998 T13bFrame$1.class
         971 Wed Feb 18 16:40:10 EST 1998 T13bFrame.class

      Here is the manifest file as part of the above JAR.

      Manifest-Version: 1.0
      Main-Class: T13b

      The AppletClassLoader should retreive the image "images/sunlogo.gif" and
      the sound "audio/spacemusic.au" from the installed JARs but it does not.

      On another note this same test works when using the "java" interpreter
      instead of "appletviewer". Check out test case "javax/tests/ins/T13"
      which is the same test but uses the "java" interpreter which uses
      URLClassLoader which PASSES. So thus URLClassLoader does retrieve the
      image resource from the JAR file while AppletClassLoader does not.

      To get the JAVA Extensions Test Suite do a bringover of:

      % bringover -p /js/files7/JDK_tests/JDK1.2/javax

      To run test:

      % cd javax/tests/ins/T13b
      % make run all

      We need to update the javax test suite to work with JDK1.2Beta4. We plan on doing this the week of 4/27/98. After we update the javax test suite we will reevaluate this bug to see if it still exists.

            dconnellsunw David Connelly (Inactive)
            aefreche Alan Frechette (Inactive)
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