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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4113837

JIS0208 mapping rules are not correct in JDK1.1.6G!


    • 1.1.6
    • generic, sparc
    • generic, solaris_2.5.1
    • Not verified

        Name: paC48320 Date: 02/20/98

        In JDK 1.1.6G, ByteToChar,CharToByteJIS0208 mapping rules
        are changed from JDK 1.1.5 FCS.
        We (Japanese Licensee) almost cannot accept the changed rules.
        We strongly recommend that mapping rules must be back to JDK1.1.5.

        1. [JIS]YEN SIGN(0x5c) and [JIS]REVERSE SOLIDUS(0x2140) are also
           mapped to [Unicode]U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS.

           This is a big problem.
           We cannot display U+FF3C FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS.
           And programs which [JIS]0x2140 character was used
           must be re-written for this change.
           Because [JIS]0x2140 was not an escape character in JDK1.0-JDK1.1.5,
           but [JIS]0x2140 becomes an escape character in JDK1.1.6G.
           So if javac meets single [JIS]0x2140 character,
           'Invalid escape character' error will be occurred.

           They should not be unified.
           [JIS]0x2140 should be mapped to U+FF3C FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS
           as same as JDK1.1.5.

               [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN <--> U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS

        2. [Unicode]U+00A5 YEN SIGN is not mapped to any JIS code.

            U+00A5 is used as currency pattern 'YEN SIGN'
            in java.text.resources.LocaleElements_ja.
            So, in JDK 1.1.6G, formatting of currency pattern does not work.
            [Unicode]U+00A5 YEN SIGN should be mapped to [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN
            as same as JDK1.1.5.

               [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN <-- U+00A5 REVERSE SOLIDUS

        3. [JIS]WAVE DASH(0x2141) is mapped to [Unicode]U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE.

            This is the biggest problem.
            In JIS X 0221(ISO 10646 JIS Version),
            [JIS]WAVE DASH(0x2141) is mapped to [Unicode]U+301C WAVE DASH.
            And [Unicode]U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE is already used
            in JIS X 0212 which is one of Unicode Standard Sources.
            So this mapping rule is fault for Unicode Source Separate Rule.

            In fact, in Microsoft's CodePage 932
            [JIS]WAVE DASH(0x2141) is mapped to [Unicode]U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE.
            But it is NOT a correct mapping rule.
            I heard it was a workaround for early Windows bug.

            If JavaSoft wants to resolve a problem
            that in Windows a inputted [JIS]WAVE DASH
            is different from a [JIS]WAVE DASH in source file,
            I recommend a different solution.
            It is to convert a string which returns from Win32 API(AWT Peer).
            The convert rule is following.

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        c = s.charAt(i);
        switch (c) {
        case 0xff3c: // FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS ->
        c = 0x005c; // REVERSE SOLIDUS
        case 0xff5e: // FULLWIDTH TILDE ->
        c = 0x301c; // WAVE DASH
        case 0x2225: // PARALLEL TO ->
        c = 0x2016; // DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE
        case 0xff0d: // FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS ->
        c = 0x2212; // MINUS SIGN
        case 0xffe0: // FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN ->
        c = 0x00a2; // CENT SIGN
        case 0xffe1: // FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN ->
        c = 0x00a3; // POUND SIGN
        case 0xffe2: // FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN ->
        c = 0x00ac; // NOT SIGN
        return new String(sb);

            To set a string to Win32API(Peer), you may use the reverse rule.

               [JIS]0x2141 WAVE DASH <--> U+301C WAVE DASH
               [JIS] no mapping <-- U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE

        4. Conclusion of 1, 2, and 3

            JDK1.1.6G mapping rules should be back to JDK 1.1.5 mapping rules.
            JDK 1.1.5 mapping rules are the better.
            Japanese Mapping problem is very difficult.
            There is no perfect solution now.
            So I strongly recomment,
            please don't change without asking all Japanese Licensee.
            So JavaSoft must refer JIS X 0221(ISO 10646 JIS Version)
            which is a result Japanese researchers discussed.
            And please see also a report;

            Conclusion Solution:
               [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN <--> U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS
               [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN <-- U+00A5 REVERSE SOLIDUS
               [JIS]0x2141 WAVE DASH <--> U+301C WAVE DASH
               [JIS] no mapping <-- U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE
               [JIS]0x7e OVERLINE <-- U+203E OVERLINE (addition)

        5. Additional infomation after being back to JDK1.1.5 mapping rules.

            Several mapping rules in Windows, MacOS, and so on
            are used now.
            These rules are depend on its platforms.
            I hope these rules will be added to sun.io converters.
            At first, Cp932 which is Microsoft Japanese Shift-JIS Mapping rule.
            It is useful when parsing document files which was saved in Unicode
            by Windows applications.
            At second, a JIS0208 imitator version
            which maps [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN to [Unicode]U+00A5 YEN SIGN.
            It is useful when parsing document files which [JIS]0x5c YEN SIGN
            means currency pattern in.
            I hope we will be able to select these converter for special use.
        (Review ID: 25409)

              bcbeck Brian Beck (Inactive)
              pallenba Peter Allenbach (Inactive)
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