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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4114887

JAVAX: The appletviewer Class Loader fails to find a class in a JAR.




      JAVAX: appletviewer Class Loader fails to find a class in a JAR.

      Most of the test cases below were working in the G build and are now

      The "appletviewer" Class Loader fails to find the "TestUtil.class" class
      from the "util.jar" specified in the Class-Path of the manifest file for
      the following test cases. In all the test cases I get:

      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: util/TestUtil
              at T11.init(T11.java:69)
              at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:284)
              at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:490)

      The test cases all use "appletviewer" with DOWNLOADED EXTENSIONS:

      tests/dwn/T11 /* Fails to find util/TestUtil class in util.jar */
      tests/dwn/T12b /* Fails to find util/TestUtil class in util.jar */
      tests/dwn/T13b /* Fails to find util/TestUtil class in util.jar */
      tests/dwn/T14 /* Fails to find util/TestUtil class in util.jar */

      To get, build, and run the JAVAX Test Suite follow the following

      Here are the instructions for getting, building, and running the
      JAVAX Test Suite.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: This test suite currently works only on SOLARIS.

      (1) Bring Over the JAVAX Test Suite from the workspace at:

      % mkdir -p $HOME/workspaces/javax
      % bringover -p /js/files7/JDK_tests/JDK1.2/javax -w $HOME/workspaces/javax .

      (2) Change to the javax directory and source the correct "setup.???"
          script. I am assuming the "csh".

          Before you source the "setup.???" script you may have to edit it
          to make some changes. For instance the JAVAX_JDKHOME environment
          variable may have to be reset because your directory location for
          the JDK1.2 latest source may be in a different place. Also the
          JAVAX_WEBSERVER_HOST and JAVAX_WEBSERVER_PORT may have to change.
      % cd $HOME/workspaces/javax
      % source setup.csh

      (3) Build the JAVAX Test Suite. This will take a while. It builds all
          the components, libraries, tests, and JARs.

      % make all

      (4) To run the DOWNLOADED EXTENSION tests do the following:

      % cd tests/dwn
      % runall

          Results are placed in the results directory. I am assuming a
          solaris run.

      % more results/solaris/runall.logfile /* DETAIL results */
      % more results/solaris/runall.failures /* FAILURES */
      % more results/solaris/runall.summary /* SUMMARY */

          To run individual tests which is what I recommend for now do the

      % cd tests/dwn
      % ls # List directory of all the tests (T*)
      % cd T10
      % make run

      Each test has a simple README file which describes a little
      bit about the test.

      % more README

      (5) To run the INSTALLED EXTENSION tests do the following:

      % cd tests/ins
      % runall

          Results are placed in the results directory. I am assuming a
          solaris run.

      % more results/solaris/runall.logfile /* DETAIL results */
      % more results/solaris/runall.failures /* FAILURES */
      % more results/solaris/runall.summary /* SUMMARY */

          To run individual tests which is what I recommend for now do the

      % cd tests/ins
      % ls # List directory of all the tests (T*)
      % cd T10
      % make run

      Each test has a simple README file which describes a little
      bit about the test.

      % more README

      (6) Any questions call (Art, Liz, or Al).

          Tom Kincaid /* JAVASOFT EAST QA Manager */
          Arthur Frechette /* JAVAX Test Developer */
          Liz Blair /* JAVAX Project Leader/Test Developer */
          Alan Frechette /* JAVAX Test Developer */




            brenaudsunw Benjamin Renaud (Inactive)
            aefreche Alan Frechette (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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