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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4114989

JCK tests failed on Char to byte conversion (Cp437, Cp852, Cp860, Cp861, ...)


    • 1.1.6
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.5.1
    • Verified

        JCK tests on Cp437, Cp852, Cp860, Cp861, Cp863, Cp865, Cp869, CP_856, CP_875
        failed when they are run against JDK1.1.6I.

        The followings are the JCK tests that failed:


        the following is one of the results:

        #Test Results
        #Sun Feb 22 11:28:45 PST 1998
        source=TestMap.java Test8859_3.java
        title=8859_3 test
        status=Failed. 2 out of 8 tests failed. First test that failed: TestByteMapping
        execStatus=Failed. 2 out of 8 tests failed. First test that failed: TestByteMapping
        sections=compile.java execute
        end=Sun Feb 22 11:28:45 PST 1998
        start=Sun Feb 22 11:28:37 PST 1998
        keywords=compile execute positive coreAPI io
        executeArgs=-Encoding 8859_3 -optional

        test: file:/net/tapas/export0/JCK-114a/tests/api/java_io/CharacterEncoding/primarySBCS.html#ISO_8859_3
        Based on these keywords: coreapi
        this script has been selected: javasoft.sqe.harness.lib.StdTestScript -compile -execute
        call: javasoft.sqe.harness.lib.ProcessCommand CLASSPATH=/net/tapas/export0/results/i6kurma114ajdk/classes:/net/tapas/export0/JCK-114a/tests//../classes DISPLAY=kurma:0.0 /net/tapas/export0/jdk116i/solaris/bin/javac -nowarn -d /net/tapas/export0/results/i6kurma114ajdk/classes /net/tapas/export0/JCK-114a/tests/api/java_io/CharacterEncoding/TestMap.java /net/tapas/export0/JCK-114a/tests/api/java_io/CharacterEncoding/Test8859_3.java
        command result: Passed. exit code 0
        call: javasoft.sqe.harness.lib.ExecJCKTestOtherJVMCmd CLASSPATH=/net/tapas/export0/results/i6kurma114ajdk/classes:/net/tapas/export0/JCK-114a/tests//../classes DISPLAY=kurma:0.0 /net/tapas/export0/jdk116i/solaris/bin/java -verify javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.io.CharacterEncoding.Test8859_3 -Encoding 8859_3 -optional
        command result: Failed. 2 out of 8 tests failed. First test that failed: TestByteMapping
        Conversion failed on: 7f Expected: \u7f  Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 80 Expected: \u80 € Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 81 Expected: \u81  Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 82 Expected: \u82 ‚ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 83 Expected: \u83 ƒ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 84 Expected: \u84 „ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 85 Expected: \u85 … Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 86 Expected: \u86 † Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 87 Expected: \u87 ‡ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 88 Expected: \u88 ˆ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 89 Expected: \u89 ‰ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 8a Expected: \u8a Š Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 8b Expected: \u8b ‹ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 8c Expected: \u8c Œ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 8d Expected: \u8d  Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 8e Expected: \u8e Ž Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 8f Expected: \u8f  Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 90 Expected: \u90  Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 91 Expected: \u91 ‘ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 92 Expected: \u92 ’ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 93 Expected: \u93 “ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 94 Expected: \u94 ” Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 95 Expected: \u95 • Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 96 Expected: \u96 – Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 97 Expected: \u97 — Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 98 Expected: \u98 ˜ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 99 Expected: \u99 ™ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 9a Expected: \u9a š Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 9b Expected: \u9b › Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 9c Expected: \u9c œ Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 9d Expected: \u9d  Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 9e Expected: \u9e ž Received: \ufffd ?
        Conversion failed on: 9f Expected: \u9f Ÿ Received: \ufffd ?
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u80 €
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u81 
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u82 ‚
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u83 ƒ
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u84 „
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u85 …
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u86 †
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u87 ‡
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u88 ˆ
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u89 ‰
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u8a Š
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u8b ‹
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u8c Œ
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u8d 
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u8e Ž
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u8f 
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u90 
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u91 ‘
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u92 ’
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u93 “
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u94 ”
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u95 •
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u96 –
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u97 —
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u98 ˜
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u99 ™
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u9a š
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u9b ›
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u9c œ
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u9d 
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u9e ž
        Character to byte conversion failed with: \u9f Ÿ
        ByteConverterLoad: Passed. OKAY
        TestByteMapping: Failed. 33 bytes did not convert correctly
        LoadCharToByte: Passed. OKAY
        TestNoSubMapping: Failed. 32 character conversions failed
        TestUnmappable: Passed. OKAY
        TestHighSurrogate: Passed. OKAY
        TestLowSurrogate: Passed. OKAY
        TestSurrogatePair: Passed. OKAY
        STATUS:Failed. 2 out of 8 tests failed. First test that failed: TestByteMapping
        test result: Failed. 2 out of 8 tests failed. First test that failed: TestByteMapping


        Further regression testing of the single byte character converters revealed these additional problems.

        1) CharToByteCp838 (EBCDIC Thai) and CharToByteCp874 (ASCII Thai) have changed from 1.1.5. All the changed mappings were for Unicode values which the corresponding ByteToChar converters mapped multiple code points to. The changes in the mappings appear to be a side effect of the way ConverterGenerator deals with multiple mappings.

        Furthermore, a standard for Cp838 could not be found and the new mapping for Cp874 did not match the standard distributed by the Unicode consortium.

        2) CharToByteMacSymbol added a new mapping from u0060 to 0x60 that was not present in the 1.1.5 version of the converter. The reverse mapping of 0x60 to u0060 did not exist in the ByteToCharMacSymbol converter. The correct mapping according to the standard distributed by Unicode is 0x60 to uf8e5. The standard revealed some 19 other mappings that our converters had incorrect. The one additional mapping added to CharToByteMacSymbol was found to be a side effect of the way ConverterGenerator interpolates missing mappings for byte values <0x80 when generating single byte converters.

        3) The KOI8_R converter had the same incorrect mapping of 7f to ufffd as the ISO8859-[2-9] converters listed above.

        brian.beck@Eng 1998-03-01

              bcbeck Brian Beck (Inactive)
              fdoansunw Francis Doan (Inactive)
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