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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4128431

win32: awt_Graphics.cpp sets the clip region too often, reducing performance


    • 2d
    • 1.2fcs
    • x86
    • windows_95
    • Not verified

      Licensee has proposed changes that he would like to see implemented in new
      release of JDK/JAE. The two files that would need changes are:


      See source code changes which he use's to demonstrate improved performance.
      Please find attached zip files with the following files in them:

      GraphTest.java My java test case
      GraphTestFrame.java "
      GraphTest.html HTML page
      update.log data file for test case

      awt_Graphics.h my changes to awt_Graphics.h
      awt_Graphics.cxx my changes to awt_Graphics.cxx

      The test program reads in a fairly large data file with line string
      coordinates in it (it takes 15 seconds or so to read in, so don't be
      alarmed if it takes a little while). It creates a two dimensional x and
      y array of the line strings. On every paint message, it traverses the x
      and y coordinates to call drawPolyline. It does this 5 times to make it
      take long enough to get a decent timing. It is set up to run as either
      an applet or an application. To run as an applet, type in "appletviewer
      GraphTest.html". To run as an application, type in "java GraphTest
      update.log" from the directory where you put the files.

            dfeldsunw Dmitry Feld (Inactive)
            jbenoit Jonathan Benoit (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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