Name: laC46010 Date: 05/15/98
APIChangeTest has found some little inconsistency
between class files on win32 and solaris of JDK 1.1.x
APIChangeTest (in maintenance mode) reports that there are ~200
classes in win32 version of JDK1.1.x which have ACC_SUPER flag
set but the flag is not set for the same classes in solaris version
of the same JDK version. If the classes are disassembled we can see
that method codes are also different (see for example java.lang.Float).
It can't make any big troubles of course and are caused possibly
by differences in makefiles used to build JDK1.1.x on win32 and solaris.
Particularly some of the solaris classes are compiled under -O option
and as result javac produces different (more optimized) code on solaris
compared with win32. It's already fixed in JDK1.2 but not in JDK1.1.x
Maybe it make sence to fix that inconsistency in 1.1.7 too.
/tmp_64 diff Float.solaris.jasm Float.win32.jasm
< public final class Float
> super public final class Float
< stack 5 locals 3
> stack 2 locals 2
< new class Float;
< dup;
< invokestatic Method Double.valueOf0:"(Ljava/lang/String;)D";
< invokespecial Method "<init>":"(D)V";
< astore_2;
< aload_2;
< getfield Field value:"F";
> invokestatic Method valueOf:"(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Float;";
> invokevirtual Method floatValue:"()F";
< stack 2 locals 2
> stack 1 locals 1
< fstore_1;
< fload_1;
< fload_1;
< fcmpl;
< ifne L13;
< iconst_0;
> invokestatic Method isNaN:"(F)Z";
< L13: iconst_1;
< ireturn;
< stack 2 locals 2
> stack 1 locals 1
< fstore_1;
< fload_1;
< ldc float Infinity;
< fcmpl;
< ifeq L21;
< fload_1;
< ldc float -Infinity;
< fcmpl;
< ifeq L21;
< iconst_0;
> invokestatic Method isInfinite:"(F)Z";
< L21: iconst_1;
< ireturn;
< stack 3 locals 2
> stack 1 locals 1
< fstore_1;
< new class FloatingDecimal;
< dup;
< fload_1;
< invokespecial Method FloatingDecimal."<init>":"(F)V";
< invokevirtual Method FloatingDecimal.toJavaFormatString:"()Ljava/lang/String;";
> invokestatic Method String.valueOf:"(F)Ljava/lang/String;";
Hook 5(hook5):