Resolution: Fixed
windows_95, windows_nt
Not verified
Name: tb29552 Date: 05/27/98
I compile with JDK 1.1.6 with JIT enabled
javac -O *.java -deprecated
then run
appletviewer whet.htm
it prints the following message:
D:\Devl\Java\SunJIT\whet>appletviewer whet.htm
A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.039(x)) error 'regvar' has occurred in :
'DWhet.benchmark ()LWhet$WhetResult;': Interpreting method.
Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cg
I work on Win NT 4.0 SP3.
Source Codes-----------------------
* Benchmark #2 -- Whetstone (A001)
* Whetstone Benchmark
* Adopted for Java by Argyn Kuketayev
* July 3, 1997.
abstract class Whet {
/** Double Whetstone Benchmark Results class. */
public class WhetResult {
/** Mega Instr per second. */
double Mips;
/** Total execution Time in ms. */
long ExecTimeMillis;
int Iterations, Loops;
protected int J, K, L;
protected long ptime, time0;
/** With loopcount LOOP=10, one million Whetstone instructions
protected int II = 1, LOOP = 1000;
Whet(int II, int LOOP) {
this.II = II;
this.LOOP = LOOP;
Whet() {
abstract public WhetResult benchmark();
public static String getSysInfo() {
String r = "\n";
r = "Java Vendor : " + System.getProperty( "java.vendor" ) + "\n";
r += "Java Version : " + System.getProperty( "java.version" ) + "\n";
r += "Java Class Version : " + System.getProperty( "java.class.version" ) + "\n";
r += "OS : " + System.getProperty("os.arch")+ " / " + System.getProperty("os.name") + "\n";
// "user.name" is not accessible from applets
// r += "User Name : " + System.getProperty("user.name" ) + "\n";
return r;
abstract public String getResults(int ii, int loop);
public static String getAuthorInfo(){
return "Ported to Java by Argyn KUKETAYEV (C) July 31, 1997.";
* Benchmark #2 -- Double Precision Whetstone (A001)
* Double Whetstone Benchmark
* Adopted for Java by Argyn Kuketayev
* July 3, 1997.
class DWhet extends Whet{
protected double T, T1, T2;
protected double[] E1 = new double[4];
DWhet(int II, int LOOP) {
super(II, LOOP);
DWhet() {
public WhetResult benchmark() {
long time1;
int I;
// Start benchmark timing at this point.
time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
ptime = time0;
// The actual benchmark starts here.
T = .499975;
T1 = 0.50025;
T2 = 2.0;
for(int JJ = 1; JJ <= II; JJ++) {
// Establish the relative loop counts of each module.
int N1 = 0;
int N2 = 12 * LOOP;
int N3 = 14 * LOOP;
int N4 = 345 * LOOP;
int N5 = 0;
int N6 = 210 * LOOP;
int N7 = 32 * LOOP ;
int N8 = 899 * LOOP;
int N9 = 616 * LOOP;
int N10 = 0;
int N11 = 93 * LOOP;
//Module 1: Simple identifiers
double X1 = 1.0;
double X2 = -1.0;
double X3 = -1.0;
double X4 = -1.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N1; I++) {
X1 = (X1 + X2 + X3 - X4)*T;
X2 = (X1 + X2 - X3 + X4)*T;
X3 = (X1 - X2 + X3 + X4)*T;
X4 = (-X1 + X2 + X3 + X4)*T;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N1,N1,N1,X1,X2,X3,X4);
//Module 2: Array elements
E1[0] = 1.0;
E1[1] = -1.0;
E1[2] = -1.0;
E1[3] = -1.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N2; I++) {
E1[0] = (E1[0] + E1[1] + E1[2] - E1[3])*T;
E1[1] = (E1[0] + E1[1] - E1[2] + E1[3])*T;
E1[2] = (E1[0] - E1[1] + E1[2] + E1[3])*T;
E1[3] = (-E1[0] + E1[1] + E1[2] + E1[3])*T;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N2,N3,N2,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 3: Array as parameter
for(I = 1; I <= N3; I++) PA(E1);
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N3,N2,N2,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 4: Conditional jumps
J = 1;
for(I = 1; I <= N4; I++) {
if(J == 1) J = 2;
else J = 3;
if(J > 2) J = 0;
else J = 1;
if(J < 1) J = 1;
else J = 0;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N4,J,J,X1,X2,X3,X4);
// Module 5: Omitted
// Module 6: Integer arithmetic
J = 1;
K = 2;
L = 3;
for(I = 1; I <= N6; I++) {
J = J * (K-J) * (L-K);
K = L * K - (L-J) * K;
L = (L - K) * (K + J);
E1[L-1] = J + K + L;
E1[K-1] = J * K * L;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N6,J,K,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 7: Trigonometric functions
double X = 0.5;
double Y = 0.5;
for(I = 1; I <= N7; I++) {
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N7,J,K,X,X,Y,Y);
// Module 8: Procedure calls
X = 1.0;
Y = 1.0;
double Z = 1.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N8; I++) P3(X,Y,Z);
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N8,J,K,X,Y,Z,Z);
// Module 9: Array references
J = 1;
K = 2;
L = 3;
E1[0] = 1.0;
E1[1] = 2.0;
E1[2] = 3.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N9; I++) P0();
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N9,J,K,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 10: Integer arithmetic
J = 2;
K = 3;
for(I = 1; I <= N10; I++) {
J = J + K;
K = J + K;
J = K - J;
K = K - J - J;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N10,J,K,X1,X2,X3,X4);
// Module 11: Standard functions
X = 0.75;
for(I = 1; I <= N11; I++) X = Math.sqrt(Math.exp(Math.log(X)/T1));
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N11,J,K,X,X,X,X);
// Stop benchmark timing at this point.
time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Performance in Whetstone KIP's per second is given by
* 100*LOOP*II / TIME
* where TIME is in seconds.
WhetResult res = new WhetResult();
res.ExecTimeMillis = time1-time0;
res.Mips = (100. * LOOP * II) / (time1-time0);
res.Iterations = II;
res.Loops = LOOP;
return res;
private void PA(double[] E) {
int J1 = 0;
do {
E[0] = (E[0] + E[1] + E[2] - E[3]) * T;
E[1] = (E[0] + E[1] - E[2] + E[3]) * T;
E[2] = (E[0] - E[1] + E[2] + E[3]) * T;
E[3] = (-E[0] + E[1] + E[2] + E[3]) / T2;
J1 = J1 + 1;
} while (J1 < 6);
private void P0() {
E1[J] = E1[K];
E1[K] = E1[L];
E1[L] = E1[J];
private void P3(double X, double Y, double Z) {
double X1 = X, Y1 = Y;
X1 = T * (X1 + Y1);
Y1 = T * (X1 + Y1);
Z = (X1 + Y1) / T2;
private void POUT(int N, int J, int K, double X1, double X2, double X3,
double X4) {
long time1;
time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Elapsed ms since start " + (time1-time0) +
", elapsed ms since a module started " + (time1-ptime) +
", " + N + ", " + J + ", " + K + ", " + X1 + ", " + X2 + ", " +
X3 + ", " + X4);
ptime = time1;
public String getResults(int ii, int loop) {
II = ii;
LOOP = loop;
WhetResult res = benchmark();
java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
String r = "\n";
r += " Benchmark #2 -- Double Precision Whetstone (A001)\n";
r += " ================================================== \n";
r += " Date/Time is " + today + "\n\n";
r += " Double Mega Whetstones : " + res.Mips + "\n";
r += " Total Execution Time, ms : " + res.ExecTimeMillis + "\n";
r += " Iterations =" + res.Iterations + "; Loops = " + res.Loops + "\n";
return r;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int ii = 10;
int loop = 100;
String usageTips = "Application usage: DWhet <iterations> <loops>\n" +
"\titerations default value is 10\n" +
"\tloops default value is 100\n";
try {
ii = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
loop = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.out.println("Warning: arguments must be integers.\n" + usageTips);
} catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Warning: missing arguments are set to defaults.\n" + usageTips);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("exception: " + e.getMessage());
DWhet dwhet = new DWhet();
System.out.println(DWhet.getSysInfo() + dwhet.getResults(ii, loop) + "\n" + DWhet.getAuthorInfo());
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
abstract public class WhetApplet extends Applet {
Label topLine = new Label(getBenchmarkName(), Label.CENTER);
Button startButton = new Button("Start");
Button resetButton = new Button("Reset");
Label iiLabel = new Label("Enter II - number of iterations: ",Label.RIGHT);
TextField iiField = new TextField();
Label loopLabel = new Label("Enter LOOP - number of loops: ",Label.RIGHT);
TextField loopField = new TextField();
TextArea resultsText = new TextArea(15,50);
GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();;
GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
abstract public String getBenchmarkName();
public void init() {
constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
protected void addComponent(Component c,int y,int x) {
constraints.gridx = x;
constraints.gridy = y;
gridbag.setConstraints(c, constraints);
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
if(event.target instanceof Button && event.id == Event.ACTION_EVENT) {
if("Start".equals(event.arg)) {
int ii = Integer.parseInt(iiField.getText());
int loop = Integer.parseInt(loopField.getText());
String r = resultString(ii, loop);
else if("Reset".equals(event.arg)) {
return false;
abstract public String resultString(int ii, int loop);
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class DWhetApplet extends WhetApplet {
DWhet whet = new DWhet();
public String getBenchmarkName(){ return "Double Whetstone Benchmark";}
public String resultString(int ii, int loop){
return DWhet.getSysInfo() + whet.getResults(ii, loop) + "\n" + DWhet.getAuthorInfo();
----------html file
<TITLE>Whetstone Benchmarks</TITLE>
<APPLET CODE="DWhetApplet.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=600>
[Double Whetstone Applet]
<APPLET CODE="SWhetApplet.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=600>
[Single Whetstone Applet]
(Review ID: 32455)
I compile with JDK 1.1.6 with JIT enabled
javac -O *.java -deprecated
then run
appletviewer whet.htm
it prints the following message:
D:\Devl\Java\SunJIT\whet>appletviewer whet.htm
A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.039(x)) error 'regvar' has occurred in :
'DWhet.benchmark ()LWhet$WhetResult;': Interpreting method.
Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cg
I work on Win NT 4.0 SP3.
Source Codes-----------------------
* Benchmark #2 -- Whetstone (A001)
* Whetstone Benchmark
* Adopted for Java by Argyn Kuketayev
* July 3, 1997.
abstract class Whet {
/** Double Whetstone Benchmark Results class. */
public class WhetResult {
/** Mega Instr per second. */
double Mips;
/** Total execution Time in ms. */
long ExecTimeMillis;
int Iterations, Loops;
protected int J, K, L;
protected long ptime, time0;
/** With loopcount LOOP=10, one million Whetstone instructions
protected int II = 1, LOOP = 1000;
Whet(int II, int LOOP) {
this.II = II;
this.LOOP = LOOP;
Whet() {
abstract public WhetResult benchmark();
public static String getSysInfo() {
String r = "\n";
r = "Java Vendor : " + System.getProperty( "java.vendor" ) + "\n";
r += "Java Version : " + System.getProperty( "java.version" ) + "\n";
r += "Java Class Version : " + System.getProperty( "java.class.version" ) + "\n";
r += "OS : " + System.getProperty("os.arch")+ " / " + System.getProperty("os.name") + "\n";
// "user.name" is not accessible from applets
// r += "User Name : " + System.getProperty("user.name" ) + "\n";
return r;
abstract public String getResults(int ii, int loop);
public static String getAuthorInfo(){
return "Ported to Java by Argyn KUKETAYEV (C) July 31, 1997.";
* Benchmark #2 -- Double Precision Whetstone (A001)
* Double Whetstone Benchmark
* Adopted for Java by Argyn Kuketayev
* July 3, 1997.
class DWhet extends Whet{
protected double T, T1, T2;
protected double[] E1 = new double[4];
DWhet(int II, int LOOP) {
super(II, LOOP);
DWhet() {
public WhetResult benchmark() {
long time1;
int I;
// Start benchmark timing at this point.
time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
ptime = time0;
// The actual benchmark starts here.
T = .499975;
T1 = 0.50025;
T2 = 2.0;
for(int JJ = 1; JJ <= II; JJ++) {
// Establish the relative loop counts of each module.
int N1 = 0;
int N2 = 12 * LOOP;
int N3 = 14 * LOOP;
int N4 = 345 * LOOP;
int N5 = 0;
int N6 = 210 * LOOP;
int N7 = 32 * LOOP ;
int N8 = 899 * LOOP;
int N9 = 616 * LOOP;
int N10 = 0;
int N11 = 93 * LOOP;
//Module 1: Simple identifiers
double X1 = 1.0;
double X2 = -1.0;
double X3 = -1.0;
double X4 = -1.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N1; I++) {
X1 = (X1 + X2 + X3 - X4)*T;
X2 = (X1 + X2 - X3 + X4)*T;
X3 = (X1 - X2 + X3 + X4)*T;
X4 = (-X1 + X2 + X3 + X4)*T;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N1,N1,N1,X1,X2,X3,X4);
//Module 2: Array elements
E1[0] = 1.0;
E1[1] = -1.0;
E1[2] = -1.0;
E1[3] = -1.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N2; I++) {
E1[0] = (E1[0] + E1[1] + E1[2] - E1[3])*T;
E1[1] = (E1[0] + E1[1] - E1[2] + E1[3])*T;
E1[2] = (E1[0] - E1[1] + E1[2] + E1[3])*T;
E1[3] = (-E1[0] + E1[1] + E1[2] + E1[3])*T;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N2,N3,N2,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 3: Array as parameter
for(I = 1; I <= N3; I++) PA(E1);
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N3,N2,N2,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 4: Conditional jumps
J = 1;
for(I = 1; I <= N4; I++) {
if(J == 1) J = 2;
else J = 3;
if(J > 2) J = 0;
else J = 1;
if(J < 1) J = 1;
else J = 0;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N4,J,J,X1,X2,X3,X4);
// Module 5: Omitted
// Module 6: Integer arithmetic
J = 1;
K = 2;
L = 3;
for(I = 1; I <= N6; I++) {
J = J * (K-J) * (L-K);
K = L * K - (L-J) * K;
L = (L - K) * (K + J);
E1[L-1] = J + K + L;
E1[K-1] = J * K * L;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N6,J,K,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 7: Trigonometric functions
double X = 0.5;
double Y = 0.5;
for(I = 1; I <= N7; I++) {
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N7,J,K,X,X,Y,Y);
// Module 8: Procedure calls
X = 1.0;
Y = 1.0;
double Z = 1.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N8; I++) P3(X,Y,Z);
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N8,J,K,X,Y,Z,Z);
// Module 9: Array references
J = 1;
K = 2;
L = 3;
E1[0] = 1.0;
E1[1] = 2.0;
E1[2] = 3.0;
for(I = 1; I <= N9; I++) P0();
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N9,J,K,E1[0],E1[1],E1[2],E1[3]);
// Module 10: Integer arithmetic
J = 2;
K = 3;
for(I = 1; I <= N10; I++) {
J = J + K;
K = J + K;
J = K - J;
K = K - J - J;
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N10,J,K,X1,X2,X3,X4);
// Module 11: Standard functions
X = 0.75;
for(I = 1; I <= N11; I++) X = Math.sqrt(Math.exp(Math.log(X)/T1));
//if(JJ == II) POUT(N11,J,K,X,X,X,X);
// Stop benchmark timing at this point.
time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Performance in Whetstone KIP's per second is given by
* 100*LOOP*II / TIME
* where TIME is in seconds.
WhetResult res = new WhetResult();
res.ExecTimeMillis = time1-time0;
res.Mips = (100. * LOOP * II) / (time1-time0);
res.Iterations = II;
res.Loops = LOOP;
return res;
private void PA(double[] E) {
int J1 = 0;
do {
E[0] = (E[0] + E[1] + E[2] - E[3]) * T;
E[1] = (E[0] + E[1] - E[2] + E[3]) * T;
E[2] = (E[0] - E[1] + E[2] + E[3]) * T;
E[3] = (-E[0] + E[1] + E[2] + E[3]) / T2;
J1 = J1 + 1;
} while (J1 < 6);
private void P0() {
E1[J] = E1[K];
E1[K] = E1[L];
E1[L] = E1[J];
private void P3(double X, double Y, double Z) {
double X1 = X, Y1 = Y;
X1 = T * (X1 + Y1);
Y1 = T * (X1 + Y1);
Z = (X1 + Y1) / T2;
private void POUT(int N, int J, int K, double X1, double X2, double X3,
double X4) {
long time1;
time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Elapsed ms since start " + (time1-time0) +
", elapsed ms since a module started " + (time1-ptime) +
", " + N + ", " + J + ", " + K + ", " + X1 + ", " + X2 + ", " +
X3 + ", " + X4);
ptime = time1;
public String getResults(int ii, int loop) {
II = ii;
LOOP = loop;
WhetResult res = benchmark();
java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
String r = "\n";
r += " Benchmark #2 -- Double Precision Whetstone (A001)\n";
r += " ================================================== \n";
r += " Date/Time is " + today + "\n\n";
r += " Double Mega Whetstones : " + res.Mips + "\n";
r += " Total Execution Time, ms : " + res.ExecTimeMillis + "\n";
r += " Iterations =" + res.Iterations + "; Loops = " + res.Loops + "\n";
return r;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int ii = 10;
int loop = 100;
String usageTips = "Application usage: DWhet <iterations> <loops>\n" +
"\titerations default value is 10\n" +
"\tloops default value is 100\n";
try {
ii = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
loop = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.out.println("Warning: arguments must be integers.\n" + usageTips);
} catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Warning: missing arguments are set to defaults.\n" + usageTips);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("exception: " + e.getMessage());
DWhet dwhet = new DWhet();
System.out.println(DWhet.getSysInfo() + dwhet.getResults(ii, loop) + "\n" + DWhet.getAuthorInfo());
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
abstract public class WhetApplet extends Applet {
Label topLine = new Label(getBenchmarkName(), Label.CENTER);
Button startButton = new Button("Start");
Button resetButton = new Button("Reset");
Label iiLabel = new Label("Enter II - number of iterations: ",Label.RIGHT);
TextField iiField = new TextField();
Label loopLabel = new Label("Enter LOOP - number of loops: ",Label.RIGHT);
TextField loopField = new TextField();
TextArea resultsText = new TextArea(15,50);
GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();;
GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
abstract public String getBenchmarkName();
public void init() {
constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
protected void addComponent(Component c,int y,int x) {
constraints.gridx = x;
constraints.gridy = y;
gridbag.setConstraints(c, constraints);
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
if(event.target instanceof Button && event.id == Event.ACTION_EVENT) {
if("Start".equals(event.arg)) {
int ii = Integer.parseInt(iiField.getText());
int loop = Integer.parseInt(loopField.getText());
String r = resultString(ii, loop);
else if("Reset".equals(event.arg)) {
return false;
abstract public String resultString(int ii, int loop);
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class DWhetApplet extends WhetApplet {
DWhet whet = new DWhet();
public String getBenchmarkName(){ return "Double Whetstone Benchmark";}
public String resultString(int ii, int loop){
return DWhet.getSysInfo() + whet.getResults(ii, loop) + "\n" + DWhet.getAuthorInfo();
----------html file
<TITLE>Whetstone Benchmarks</TITLE>
<APPLET CODE="DWhetApplet.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=600>
[Double Whetstone Applet]
<APPLET CODE="SWhetApplet.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=600>
[Single Whetstone Applet]
(Review ID: 32455)