Resolution: Won't Fix
Name: bk70084 Date: 06/24/98
I am proposing a new null-safe operator for field
access in Java. I'm using "?." for the notation
in the example below:
class Base
Integer member;
static Integer getMember( Base b )
Integer result;
// Simplest way to code this function will
// throw a NullPointerException when 'b' is
// a null object:
result = b.member;
// .. or, to avoid, the exception, some code
// must be added to explicitly check the base
// object:
result = b == null ? null : b.member;
// My suggestion: add operator "?." which
// returns null if its left-hand-side base
// object is null and otherwise returns the
// field referred to by the right-hand-side:
result = b?.member;
// E.g. the third assignment works like the
// second while it looks much like the first
// assignment.
// In particular, the third assignment shall
// never throw a NullPointerException.
return result;
Although my proposal is just for convenience and
has rather obvious workaround, I would be glad if
you took it into some consideration.
terv: Risto Lankinen
(Review ID: 34107)