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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4160605

Several font styles incorrectly show up as Courier bold


    • 2d
    • 1.2fcs
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6
    • Not verified

      I have been running a test case
      that prints strings in several different fonts in
      plain, italic, bold, and bold-italic. I am seeing
      a lot of incorrect results when I run it with the
      beta4 and fcs builds. However, the fonts look
      pretty much normal when I run using java_g in

      When I run under:
      which is JDK-1.2beta4-K according to the
      -fullversion info, I see the following problem:

      All of the Helvetica, Times Roman, Courier,
      and ZapfDingbats fonts show up as
      Courier, and all the different styles (plain,
      italic, etc.) appear as bold.

      When I run under java_g using
      things look pretty much as they ought to.

      However, when I run under java_g using
      which is java full version "JDK-1.2fcs-C",
      the fonts look wrong again.

      They also look wrong using my local workspace
      This is a descendant of the 1.2fcs C-build.

      I am running all these tests from my local machine,
      gradgrind, which is an Ultra-1 running Solaris 2.6.

      One more odd fact that may or may not be relevant:
      in the case where the fonts show up "normal", the
      frame I bring up to draw them in has the wrong
      background. In fact, both the fonts and the frame
      appear exactly the same as they do when I run the
      jre in /bin/java. This version of the jdk uses
      java full version "1.1.3n:1997.06.26" Coincidence?
      I don't know. The fullversion printed out when it
      appears correctly is 1.2beta4-K, but might it be
      possible that the classloader is accessing classes
      from other builds under java_g but not under java?

      The font.properties file looks correct - italic and
      plain versions of these fonts are available. Could
      it be accessing the wrong version of font.properties

      The application I am running is at:
      I took it from pages 640-642 in "The Java Class
      Libraries, 2nd Ed., Vol. 2".

            pkejriwasunw Parry Kejriwal (Inactive)
            ehawkessunw Eric Hawkes (Inactive)
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