Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
According to the JLS a class or interface may inherit multiple fields. This
is legal. Reference to such a field by its simple name is ambiguous.
However, if one refers to the field using getField(), there is no specification
of what the result should be. Similar situations can arise with respect to methods (the methods can differ on their throws clauses, and can therefore
be distinguished via Method.getExceptionTypes).
gilad.bracha@eng 1998-07-28
is legal. Reference to such a field by its simple name is ambiguous.
However, if one refers to the field using getField(), there is no specification
of what the result should be. Similar situations can arise with respect to methods (the methods can differ on their throws clauses, and can therefore
be distinguished via Method.getExceptionTypes).
gilad.bracha@eng 1998-07-28