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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4172437

Update the values of @since tags


    • b81
    • x86, sparc
    • solaris_2.5, windows_95

      Verify that the @since tags have the correct values in JDK 1.2.

      Also consider changing "JDK" to "Java", such as from "JDK 1.1" to "Java 1.1".
      (Check with Doug on this one)

      Every 1.0 class should have an @since tag, since that
      was easy to to (add the same tag to all classes).

      I believe there were no api changes in JDK 1.0.1.

      We added 1.0.2 tags to some api changes in JDK 1.0.2,
      so that's probably correct, but should be verified.

      We added no @since tags to packages in 1.0, since
      package.html didn't exist at the time.

      We should should add @since tags to all packages.


      Here are the signature files for determining the values of @since:

      FOR JDK 1.0:
      There is no signature file for 1.0 or 1.0.2, so use javadoc output instead.

      FOR JDK 1.1:

      FOR JDK 1.2:


      The @since doclet:

      % /usr/local/java/jdk1.2/solaris/bin/javadoc -sourcepath /home/atuld/JDK/1.2/src/share/classes/ -doclet Since -docletpath /home/dkramer/javadoc/since/matthew-doar java.applet

      This creates a file since.txt in the current directory
      which lists the contents of each @since argument:


      java.applet.AudioClip: JDK1.0
      java.applet.AudioClip.play(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AudioClip.loop(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AudioClip.stop(): JDK1.0

      java.applet.AppletStub: JDK1.0
      java.applet.AppletStub.isActive(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AppletStub.getDocumentBase(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AppletStub.getCodeBase(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AppletStub.getParameter(String): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AppletStub.getAppletContext(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.AppletStub.appletResize(int, int): JDK1.0

      java.applet.Applet: JDK1.0
      java.applet.Applet.accessibleContext: JDK1.0
      java.applet.Applet.Applet(): JDK1.0
      java.applet.Applet.setStub(AppletStub): JDK1.0

            martin Martin Buchholz
            dkramersunw Douglas Kramer (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
