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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4175715

javac/x86/JIT incorrectly treats some double constant-expressions


    • x86
    • other

      Name: dkC59003 Date: 09/23/98

      Javac/x86/JIT (JDK 1.2fcs-J and -K) fails to pass lang/FP/fpl03502m2 and
      lang/FP/fpl03502m4 tests from JCK 1.2(beta4), which check if compile-time
      constant expression is treated FP-strict.

      These tests calculate a number of double constant expressions, and each of
      those expressions result in a double value slightly greater than 1. That tiny
      appendix to 1.0 vanishes, if constant-expression is incorrectly calculated
      using extended floating-point format suffering second rounding error when
      rounded to standard format. (The tests are designed to catch mantissa
      extensions upto 105 significand bits.)

      Below is the shortest check extracted from fpl03502m2, which produces error


      public class fpl352m24 {

          public static void main (String args[]) {

      double test_value = 1 + (double)((1L<<11) + 1)/(1L<<11)/(1L<<53);

      double correct_value = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ff0000000000001L);

      if (test_value != correct_value) {
      println("test_value = " + test_value);
      println("instead of: " + correct_value +
      " == Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ffe000000000001)");


          static void println (Object x) {
      System.out.println( x );

      ---- Prints:

      test_value = 1.0
      instead of: 1.0000000000000002 == Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ffe000000000001)


      The following disassembled fragment compiled by javac/x86 with JIT shows,
      that test_value is incorrectly computed at compile time:


      public static Method main:"([Ljava/lang/String;)V"
      stack 4 locals 5
      // test_value = 1 + (double)((1L<<11) + 1)/(1L<<11)/(1L<<53):
      dconst_1; // incorrectly rounded to 1.0 !!!

      // correct_result = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3ff0000000000001L):
      ldc2_w long 4607182418800017409l;
      invokestatic Method java/lang/Double.longBitsToDouble:"(J)D";

      // if (test_value == correct_result) goto O'Key;
      ifeq L58;

      // ...print error message...

      L58: return;


      Nevertheless, the same fragment translated with no JIT using the command:
          javac -J-Djava.compiler=none ...
      is compiled correctly, and the test does not print error message.

      So, javac/x86/JIT (JDK 1.2 fcs-J & -K) incorrectly calculates some double
      constant expressions. Maybe, javac does not says to JIT to calculate those
      expressions FP-strict.

      But, see also BugId 4175714: "JIT/x86 suffers more than one rounding error
      in FP-strict addition".


            never Tom Rodriguez
            dkhukhrosunw Dmitry Khukhro (Inactive)
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