Resolution: Fixed
Name: tb29552 Date: 10/08/98
With jdk1.1.6 on Windows NT, the position (0,0) in a graphics
context returned from a PrintJob did not actually correspond
to the upper left hand corner of the page, but the upper left
hand corner of the region into which Windows would actually
let you print. The result was that all your text actually appeared.
The same output under jdk1.1.7 appears clipped. It looks indeed
as if the text is being printed on the margins, but since Windows
seems to reserve some space which you cannot print into, the result
is clipped.
This example simply formats the contents of a file to a printer
(N.B. does not expand tabs..)
java PrintBug nameOfFile
java PrintBug c:\temp\myjunk.text
When the program is compiled and run under jdk1.1.6, the text is
printed only into the region of the page that is effectively
printed by the printer. Under jdk1.1.7, everything seems to be
translated up and to the left, with the effect that the part of
text is clipped.
System: Windows NT 4 service pack 3
Printers: HP LaserJet 4Si MX
Program PrintBug.java follows:
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
public class PrintBug {
private PrintJob _pJob;
private Frame _aFrame;
public static void main(String[] argv) {
if (argv.length < 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: java PrintBug someFile ");
System.out.println(" e.g. java PrintBug c:\\temp\\myjunk.txt ");
FileReader fr;
try {
fr = new FileReader(argv[0]);
LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(fr);
(new PrintBug ()).printIt(lnr);
} catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("No such file: " + argv[0]);
public PrintBug () {
Frame _aFrame = new Frame();
/* Reference Bug IDs 4136947 and 4093775:
* Even though the PrinterBug class has a Frame, it is
* never displayed (ie. setVisible(true) is never called)
* so the "default" font for the frame is never
* initialized since that doesn't happen until addNotify
* which isn't done until the peer is created and no peer
* is ever created. Btw, this happens in both jdk 1.1.x
* and jdk 1.2.
_pJob = _aFrame.getToolkit().getPrintJob(_aFrame, "Printed output ", null);
if (_pJob == null) {
System.out.println("No print job..");
protected void printIt(LineNumberReader lnr) {
Graphics pg = _pJob.getGraphics();
int leadingChars = 0;
int leadingLines = 0;
int trailingLines = 0;
int pageNum = 1;
int linesForThisPage = 0;
int linesForThisJob = 0;
String nextLine;
int pageHeight = _pJob.getPageDimension().height;
int pageWidth = _pJob.getPageDimension().width;
// System.out.println("_pJob.getPageDimension().height returns
// + pageHeight);
// System.out.println("_pJob.getPageDimension().width returns "+
// pageWidth);
int fontSize = 12;
Font fixed = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
FontMetrics fm = pg.getFontMetrics(fixed);
// System.out.println("fm.charWidth(' ') returns " +fm.charWidth('
// '));
while (fm.charWidth(' ') * (132 + leadingChars) > pageWidth ||
fm.getHeight() * (66 + leadingLines +
trailingLines) > pageHeight) {
fixed = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN,
fm = pg.getFontMetrics(fixed);
// System.out.println("fm.charWidth(' ') returns "
// +fm.charWidth(' '));
// Have to set the font to get any output!
fm = pg.getFontMetrics(fixed);
int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
int fontDescent = fm.getDescent();
int curHeight = leadingLines * fontHeight;
int inPixels = leadingChars * fm.charWidth(' ');
try {
do {
nextLine = lnr.readLine();
if (nextLine != null) {
if (curHeight + fontHeight *
(trailingLines + 1) > pageHeight){
// New Page
// System.out.println ("" + linesForThisPage + "
// lines printed for page " + pageNum);
linesForThisPage = 0;
pg = _pJob.getGraphics();
if (pg != null) {
curHeight = leadingLines *
curHeight += fontHeight;
if (pg != null) {
inPixels, curHeight - fontDescent);
} else {
System.out.println("pg null ");
} while (nextLine != null);
} catch(EOFException eof) {
// Fine, ignore
} catch(Throwable t) { // Anything else
// Send last page to the printer;
System.out.println("" + linesForThisPage + " lines printed for page " + pageNum);
System.out.println("pages printed: " + pageNum);
System.out.println("total lines printed: " +
// Clean-up
(Review ID: 39709)
- relates to
JDK-4185668 Huge print files generated by jdk1.2 rc1
- Closed
JDK-4186119 setting orientation does not affect printer
- Closed