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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4184096

Intermittent crash in awt.dll on win95 with javatest with JDK1.2fcs-O


    • 1.2.2
    • x86
    • windows_95, windows_nt

      This crash is hard to reproduce , but it does crash sometimes:(

      This bug is specific to 256 color pallet with 800X600 resolution.
      and can be reproduced on one machine only.
      machine config:
             32mb ram pentium pro.

      Steps to reproduce:
           Bring up the javatest from JCK-12a with any .jtp file as parameter
           wait for ~20sec and click the next button.
           and the javatest should crash ..:( but it's not always reproduciable.

      JAVA caused an invalid page fault in
      module AWT.DLL at 0137:5008e64b.
      EAX=00000001 CS=0137 EIP=5008e64b EFLGS=00010202
      EBX=014ff718 SS=013f ESP=05f8f2d8 EBP=014ff718
      ECX=062cb870 DS=013f ESI=062cb870 FS=2e6f
      EDX=008b57e0 ES=013f EDI=008ec894 GS=0000
      Bytes at CS:EIP:
      8b 46 50 85 c0 74 09 6a 00 8b ce e8 5e 2f fb ff
      Stack dump:
      008ec894 008ec880 014ff718 5009180a bff798bb 062e3e94 5008e57d 062e3e94 bff798bb 062e
      3e94 50090649 008b57e0 05295894 50092553 503ea6ed 008b57e0

      Thread dump:
      (got only part of it as it scrolled up)

         "Signal dispatcher" (TID:0x142c3e0, sys_thread_t:0x7af560, state:R, native
      :0xfffd9dbf) prio=5
      onitor Cache Dump:
         java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@142C338/182EA30: <unowned>
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "Finalizer" (0x7b09d0)
         javasoft.sqe.javatest.tool.ToolFrame$Timer@14BBCC0/1C6D090: owner "Help:Tim
      " (0x890630) 1 entry
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "ToolFrame:Timer" (0x8c75b0)
         javasoft.sqe.javatest.gui.Help$Timer@14A3F00/1AF8B50: owner "Help:Timer" (0
      90630) 1 entry
         sun.awt.PostEventQueue@148E5C8/19006A8: <unowned>
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "SunToolkit.PostEventQueue-0" (0x84b800)
         sun.awt.AWTFinalizer@1501110/1AFDD10: <unowned>
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "AWT-Finalizer" (0x8f88f0)
         java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@142C3C0/182E560: <unowned>
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "Reference Handler" (0x7afdc0)
         java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock@1457B88/189F168: owner "ToolPanel.LazyLoader
      (0x8b5860) 12 entries
             Waiting to enter:
                 "Help:Timer" (0x890630)
                 "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0x84bc40)
         sun.awt.ScreenUpdater@14B7BC0/1C15CA0: <unowned>
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "Screen Updater" (0x8bd430)
      egistered Monitor Dump:
         SymcJIT Method Monitor: <unowned>
         SymcJIT Method Monitor: <unowned>
         SymcJIT Method Monitor: <unowned>
         SymcJIT Method List Monitor: <unowned>
         SymcJIT Lock: <unowned>
         utf8 hash table: <unowned>
         JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
         JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
         BinClass lock: <unowned>
         Class linking lock: <unowned>
         System class loader lock: <unowned>
         Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
         Heap lock: <unowned>
         Monitor cache lock: owner "Signal dispatcher" (0x7af560) 1 entry
         Thread queue lock: owner "Signal dispatcher" (0x7af560) 1 entry
             Waiting to be notified:
                 "Thread-2" (0x8dfe20)
         Monitor registry: owner "Signal dispatcher" (0x7af560) 1 entry

            dmendenhsunw David Mendenhall (Inactive)
            mavvarisunw Madhava Avvari (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
