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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4185522

Digit Colors are Inverted in JDK1.2RC1 when compared to earlier JDKs


    • 1.3
    • x86
    • windows_nt

      Name: tb29552 Date: 10/29/98


      Strange... this control when running on jdk12-rc1 inverts the
      digit colors. On jdk117 it runs fine.

      To reproduce:

         javac TYNixie.java
         java TYNixie

      Observe that the digits in the counter appear in bright
      green with a dark green background when run on early
      JDK releases (1.1.7, 1.2beta4, etc...)

      When run with 1.2RC1, the colors are reversed.

      --- begin code here ---
      import java.awt.*;
      import java.awt.image.*;
      import java.awt.event.*;

      public class TYNixie extends Canvas {

      // Author : Tom Yarker, 22695 Dorchester Drive, Geneseo, IL 61254
      // Phone: (309) 944-5955, E-Mail: ###@###.###
      // Purpose: LCD style counter.
      // History: 03-26-97 Started

      // Color of the digits
          private Color tint;
      // Number of digits and decimals
          private int ndig, ndec;
      // Size of a Nixie character
          private int wchr = 11;
          private int hchr = 19;
      // Size of whole counter
          private int wcou, hcou;
          private Dimension size;
      // Counter value & text
          private double dval;
          private String text;
      // Array of images
          private Image[] imag;


      // Constructor, green, no decimals
      // 1st argument is number of digits
          public TYNixie (int ns) {
              this(Color.green, ns, 0);


      // Constructor, green characters
      // 1st argument is number of digits
      // 2nd argument is number of decimals
          public TYNixie (int ns, int nd) {
              this(Color.green, ns, nd);


      // Constructor, no decimal places
      // 1st argument is required color
      // 2nd argument is number of digits
          public TYNixie (Color co, int ns) {
              this(co, ns, 0);


      // Constructor
      // 1st argument is required color
      // 2nd argument is number of digits
      // 3rd argument is number of decimals
          public TYNixie (Color co, int ns, int nd) {
              ndig = Math.max(ns, 1);
              ndec = Math.min(nd, ndig - 3);
              ndec = Math.max(ndec, 0);
              wcou = ndig * (wchr + 2) + 6;
              hcou = hchr + 8;
              size = new Dimension(wcou, hcou);

      // From this point on, routines are in alphabetic order

      // Increments the counter
          public void addValu() {
              setValu(dval + 1.);


      // Increments the counter
      // 1st argument is an increment
          public void addValu(int iv) {
              setValu(dval + iv);


      // Increments the counter
      // 1st argument is an increment
          public void addValu(double dv) {
              setValu(dval + dv);


      // Returns minimum size of canvas
          public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
              return size;


      // Returns preferred size of canvas
          public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
              return size;


      // Returns text in counter
          public String getText() {
              return text;


      // Returns color of digits
          public Color getTint() {
              return tint;


      // Returns value in counter
          public double getValu() {
              return dval;


      // Paints centered counter
          public void paint(Graphics gr) {
              Dimension sz = getSize();
              int ix = (sz.width - wcou) / 2;
              int iy = (sz.height - hcou) / 2;
              gr.draw3DRect(ix, iy, wcou - 1, hcou - 1, false);
              ix = ix + 1;
              iy = iy + 1;
              gr.draw3DRect(ix, iy, wcou - 3, hcou - 3, false);
              ix = ix + 1;
              iy = iy + 1;
              gr.fillRect(ix, iy, wcou - 4, hcou - 4);
              ix = ix + 2;
              iy = iy + 2;
              String vc = " +-.0123456789:Eor";
              for (int i = 0; i < ndig; i = i + 1) {
                  int id = (int) text.charAt(i);
                  id = vc.indexOf(id);
                  if (id < 0)
                      id = 0;
                  gr.drawImage(imag[id], ix, iy, this);
                  ix = ix + wchr + 2;


      // Places an integer into a rectangular array
      // 1st argument is the integer
      // 2nd argument is x coordinate (column)
      // 3rd argument is y coordinate ( row )
      // 4th argument is the array
          private void setadot(int k, int ix, int iy, byte[] px) {
              int i = iy * wchr + ix;
              int j = (int) px[i];
              if (k > j)
                  px[i] = (byte) k;


      // Updates text directly
      // 1st argument is the required text, which will be
      // truncated when long, or right-filled with spaces.
          public void setText(String st) {
              String tx = st;
              int nc = tx.length();
              if (nc > ndig) {
                  nc = ndig;
                  tx = tx.substring(0, nc);
              while (nc < ndig) {
                  tx = tx + " ";
                  nc = nc + 1;
              try {
                  dval = Double.valueOf(tx).doubleValue();
              catch(Exception ex) {
                  dval = 0;
              text = tx;
              if (isShowing())


      // Sets color of characters
      // 1st argument is the required color
          public void setTint(Color co) {

      // Nixie character formed from a combination of 18 lozenge shapes,
      // numbered and shaped as follows;
      // 04 05
      // 15 16 17 .
      // 12 13 14 . . . . . .
      // 02 03 . . . . . or . . .
      // 09 10 11 . . . . . .
      // 06 07 08 .
      // 00 01
      // Positions of lozenge centers are given in "xl" and "yl", with
      // (0,0) at top-left corner. Only characters in "vc" can be used,
      // others changed to spaces. Character shapes defined in "pb",
      // each "on" bit corresponding to a lozenge number that is lit.
      // Unlit lozenges are displayed with half intensity.

              tint = co;
      // X of Nixie lozenge centers
              int[] xl = {3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7
                  ,1, 5, 9, 1, 5, 9
              ,1, 5, 9, 1, 5, 9};
      // Y of Nixie lozenge centers
              int[] yl = {17, 17, 9, 9, 1, 1
                  ,15, 15, 15, 11, 11, 11
              ,7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3};
      // Array of packed bits for characters
              int[] pb = {0, 9228, 12, 128, 187251
                  ,74880, 148095, 149823, 186636, 39231
                  ,39807, 148664, 187263, 186687, 8320
              ,37503, 2895, 588};
      // Build color model; 0-black, 1-dim, 2-bright
              int ir = tint.getRed();
              int ig = tint.getGreen();
              int ib = tint.getBlue();
              byte r[] = {0, (byte) (ir / 2), (byte) ir};
              byte g[] = {0, (byte) (ig / 2), (byte) ig};
              byte b[] = {0, (byte) (ib / 2), (byte) ib};
              IndexColorModel cm = new
              IndexColorModel(2, 3, r, g, b);
      // Loop thru set of valid characters
              int nb = wchr * hchr;
              int nc = pb.length;
              int nl = xl.length;
              int nh = nl / 3;
              imag = new Image[nc];
              MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this);
              for (int i = 0; i < nc; i = i + 1) {
                  ig = pb[i];
                  byte[] px = new byte[nb];
                  for (ir = 0; ir < nb; ir = ir + 1)
                      px[ir] = 0;
      // Loop thru lozenges placing them in array
                  for (ir = 0; ir < nl; ir = ir + 1) {
                      ib = ig % 2;
                      ig = ig / 2;
                      ib = ib + 1;
                      int ix = xl[ir];
                      int iy = yl[ir];
                      setadot(ib, ix - 1, iy - 1, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix - 1, iy, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix - 1, iy + 1, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix, iy - 1, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix, iy, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix, iy + 1, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix + 1, iy - 1, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix + 1, iy, px);
                      setadot(ib, ix + 1, iy + 1, px);
                      if (ir < nh) {
                          setadot(ib, ix - 2, iy, px);
                          setadot(ib, ix + 2, iy, px);
                      } else {
                          setadot(ib, ix, iy - 2, px);
                          setadot(ib, ix, iy + 2, px);
      // Use array and color model to get image
                  MemoryImageSource mi =
                  new MemoryImageSource(
                                        wchr, hchr, cm, px, 0, wchr);
                  imag[i] = createImage(mi);
                  mt.addImage(imag[i], 0);
              try {
              catch(Exception ex) {
              if (isShowing())


      // Updates the counter
      // 1st argument is the required value
          public void setValu(int iv) {
              setValu((double) iv);


      // Updates the counter, which will be left-filled
      // with spaces, or replaced with "Error" if long.
      // 1st argument is the required value
          public void setValu(double dv) {
              dval = dv;
              String tx = Long.toString(Math.round(
                                                   Math.abs(dval) *
                                                   Math.pow(10, ndec)));
              int nc = tx.length();
              if (ndec > 0) {
                  while (nc <= ndec) {
                      tx = "0" + tx;
                      nc = nc + 1;
                  int nb = nc - ndec;
                  tx = tx.substring(0, nb) + "." +
                  nc = nc + 1;
              if (dval < 0) {
                  tx = "-" + tx;
                  nc = nc + 1;
              if (nc > ndig) {
                  tx = "Error";
                  nc = Math.min(5, ndig);
                  tx = tx.substring(0, nc);
              while (nc < ndig) {
                  tx = " " + tx;
                  nc = nc + 1;
              text = tx;
              if (isShowing())


      // Decrements the counter
          public void subValu() {
              setValu(dval - 1.);


      // Decrements the counter
      // 1st argument is a decrement
          public void subValu(int iv) {
              setValu(dval - iv);


      // Decrements the counter
      // 1st argument is a decrement
          public void subValu(double dv) {
              setValu(dval - dv);


      // Updates display without clearing, to avoid flicker
          public void update(Graphics gr) {


          public static void outputMessage() {
              System.out.println("java.version = " +
              System.out.println("Operating System Name = " +
              System.out.println("Operating system architecture = " +
              System.out.println("Operating system version = " +
                                 System.getProperty("os.version") + "\n");

          //Simple unit test main method:
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              TYNixie tyn = new TYNixie (7);
              Frame f = new Frame("Digit Colors are Inverted in JDK1.2RC1");
              f.setSize(310, 110);
              f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

              while (true) {
                  try {
                      Thread.sleep(1 * 1000);
                  catch(InterruptedException e) {
      --- end code here ---

      (Review ID: 41557)

            rraysunw Richard Ray (Inactive)
            tbell Tim Bell
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