Name: nl37777 Date: 12/02/98
In the DecimalFormat class there is no way to
obtain the scientific notation of a number
(i.e. ddd.fffEnn) other then by using an explicit
pattern. The choice between the normal and the
scientific notation is the only one characteristics
of formatting which may not be set by a method;
all the others are (e.g. min/max nr of integral
and fractional digits, grouping, etc.).
Moreover, the usage of a pattern for obtaining
the scientific notation is difficult if the
cultural conventions of the current locale must
be followed: there is a need to obtain first
the current patter, and then to edit it to insert
the appropriate "Enn" sub-patters (both in the
positive and negative ones) before using it.
(Review ID: 43599)
- duplicates
JDK-4068067 RFE: Want API to access exponent symbol in DecimalFormatSymbols
- Resolved