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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4202437

Unclear error message when -sourcepath is set wrong


      This person mistakenly specified -sourcepath to point directories to the
      .java files rather than the parent directory of the package directories.
      He got the expected initial processing message, which made it look
      like the .java files were found:

        Loading source files for package client...
        parsed source\com\hydro\s2\client\ColumnHeader.java in 1302 ms]
        parsed source\com\hydro\s2\client\AgViewInitiator.java in 240 ms]

      All seems to be working, because source files are being parsed etc.,
      but the end result is - nothing (if package names are wrongly input).

      But then he got the error message

        No public or protected classes found to document

      Is there a better error message we could output in this case?

      Error message could have been e.g. "no packages found" (but then why
      was the program able to find source files....).
      Confusing. At least it confused him (and I have been in the business
      since 79 ;-)


      The package names are com.hydro.s2.client, com.hydro.s2.server
      and com.hydro.s2.server.ts. He ran:

       C:> cd D:\SilverStream\compilecache\localhost_8001\Timesys5Edypc

       C:> javadoc -J-ms39m -J-mx40m -d d:\webts\doc -sourcepath
           source\com\hydro\s2 -classpath %CLASSPATH% client server server.ts

      See "Comments" for much more detail.

            gafter Neal Gafter (Inactive)
            dkramersunw Douglas Kramer (Inactive)
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