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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4205992

Java2Demo causes segmentation violation on Solaris



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • P3
    • None
    • 1.2.2
    • client-libs
    • 2d
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6


      The steps to reproduce the segmentation violation are:
      1. Launch the Java2Demo application and select the run submenu item and do the normal run.
      2. Leave the application for some time like more than 10 hours( i actually started the run in the evening and the following morning) we saw the following

      lamotta:/home/mohanpi/jdk/122d/solaris/demo/jfc/Java2D% java Java2Demo

      Java2D Demo RunWindow : 20 Runs, 10 second delay between tabs
      java version: 1.2.2
      SunOS 5.6

      #0 Fri Jan 22 14:19:45 PST 1999, 8610.68K used
      #1 Fri Jan 22 14:22:20 PST 1999, 9796.742K used
      #2 Fri Jan 22 14:24:53 PST 1999, 9807.172K used
      #3 Fri Jan 22 14:27:23 PST 1999, 9781.93K used
      #4 Fri Jan 22 14:29:56 PST 1999, 9755.398K used
      #5 Fri Jan 22 14:32:26 PST 1999, 9792.0625K used
      #6 Fri Jan 22 14:35:00 PST 1999, 10025.891K used
      #7 Fri Jan 22 14:37:33 PST 1999, 9798.734K used
      #8 Fri Jan 22 14:40:04 PST 1999, 9825.398K used
      #9 Fri Jan 22 14:42:38 PST 1999, 9805.391K used
      #10 Fri Jan 22 14:45:10 PST 1999, 10370.68K used
      #11 Fri Jan 22 14:47:40 PST 1999, 10403.656K used
      #12 Fri Jan 22 14:50:13 PST 1999, 10390.4375K used
      #13 Fri Jan 22 14:52:44 PST 1999, 10401.695K used
      #14 Fri Jan 22 14:55:17 PST 1999, 10504.953K used
      #15 Fri Jan 22 14:57:46 PST 1999, 10512.469K used
      #16 Fri Jan 22 15:00:18 PST 1999, 10478.977K used
      #17 Fri Jan 22 15:02:49 PST 1999, 9843.586K used
      #18 Fri Jan 22 15:05:22 PST 1999, 9895.984K used
      #19 Fri Jan 22 15:07:56 PST 1999, 9853.594K used
      SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
          si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
          si_errno [0]: Error 0
          si_code [1]: SEGV_MAPERR [addr: 0x18]

      SIGABRT 6* abort (generated by abort(3) routine)
          si_signo [6]: SIGABRT 6* abort (generated by abort(3) routine)
          si_errno [0]: Error 0
          si_code [0]: SI_USER [pid: 570, uid: 83359]
      Abort (core dumped)

      This problem was noticed on Jdk122c build itself. On x86 there was a StackOverflowError on jdk122c build.
      #18 Tue Jan 19 16:23:39 PST 1999, 7598.414K used
      #19 Tue Jan 19 16:26:12 PST 1999, 7382.125K used
              at java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel.getNumDataElements(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation.setPixels(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.ImageDecoder.setPixels(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.GifImageDecoder.sendPixels(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.GifImageDecoder.parseImage(Native Method)
              at sun.awt.image.GifImageDecoder.readImage(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.GifImageDecoder.produceImage(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(Compiled Code)
              at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.run(Compiled Code)

      Was reproducable on sol251, sol26 and sol27


      ###@###.### 1999-02-05

      This bug could not be reproduced with JDK 1.2.2 E build using different solaris 2.6 (myphuong, Pent)/ 2.5.1 (Metamorphic, Anticline) machines. We will test it again with F build


      ###@###.### 1999-02-17

      When testing with the G build, the original behaviour reported in Lamotta was reproduced on Kurtz and the behaviour described for x86 is reproducible on "Peas" machine in the Lab 1405

      ###@###.### 1999-02-19
      This problem was reproducible on Celery and Kurtz machines with JDK 1.2.2 - F and G builds. Detailed information had been emailed to Thanh.

      ###@###.### 1999-02-24

      With Jdk122h build, we are able to reproduce across Sol2.6 and X86.
      The machines were:
      Sol2.6 - Lamotta
      x86 - Dino.
      With Win32 this time on Daikon as Nt we observed the following NullPointerException:
      E:\jdk122h\demo\jfc\JAVA2D>java Java2Demo
      Exception occurred during event dispatching:
              at java.awt.Container.getWindow(Container.java:1196)
              at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.stopListeningForOtherDrags(Container.j
              at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.trackMouseEnterExit(Container.java:188
              at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:1789)

              at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:1719)
              at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:1023)
              at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java, Compiled Code)
              at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java, Compiled Code)
              at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEvent(EventDispatchThread.java, C
      ompiled Code)
              at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:87)
              at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:78)

      Java2D Demo RunWindow : 20 Runs, 10 second delay between tabs
      java version: 1.2.2
      Windows NT 4.0

      #0 Fri Feb 19 14:37:58 PST 1999, 6489.3047K used

      The results of the run is available at:


      rick.reynaga@eng 1999-03-09
      - Was observed on kurtz/2.6 with jdk121i build, but not on lamotta/251 with jdk121j.


      Our tester couldn't reproduce this bug and the jdk version is also outdated,
      so I am closing this bug as not reproduceable for now.
      thanh.nguyen@Eng 1999-08-03

      Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 10:36:00 -0700 (PDT)
      From: Robert Kim <rk2d@taller>
      Subject: Re: Could you please try to reproduce this one?
      To: thanh@taller
      MIME-Version: 1.0
      Content-MD5: SjN3PKtkm7Bd+mtiynM1VQ==

      Hi Thanh,

         Happy to say, not reproduceable for me neither.

      > Subject: Could you please try to reproduce this one?
      > To: rk2d@taller
      > MIME-Version: 1.0
      > Content-MD5: GJWXXaWBC3RgLuKL8NdNOA==
      > Hi Robert,
      > I couldn't reproduce this one, but they say it still happens for 1.2.1 build
      > J which is out of date. If you can not reproduce it, I will close it as
      > not reproduceable.
      > Thanks.
      > thanh
      > 4205992: Java2Demo causes segmentation violation on Solaris




            tnguyensunw Thanh Nguyen (Inactive)
            mpiruthisunw Mohan Piruthivi (Inactive)
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