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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4214303

Pull-down menus (Choice class) with a scrollbar doesn't stay with JDK/JRE 1.1.6+


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6

      We are in the process of testing the SupportTEAM 5.3 application Java client
      from Siebel. This is a vendor-provided application and we have no access to
      its source code.

      When we tested the Java client with JRE 1.1.4 (native threads) on Solaris,
      all the GUI components perform properly. However, JRE 1.1.4 is not Y2K

      So we tested the same Java client with JRE 1.1.6 (native threads) as well as
      JDK 1.1.7B, and we observed the following problem:

      For a given pull-down menu (Java Choice class), if the menu has a scrollbar
      due to the number of selections available in this menu, the menu disappears
      when the mouse is moved into this menu to scroll or to make a selection - it
      tends to go away when the mouse cursor is moving from the scrollbar to the
      selection, or vice versa.

      Contact Chie Tse for access to the application Java client.

            dmendenhsunw David Mendenhall (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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