Name: dbT83986 Date: 03/10/99
The process I am running using JRE is an RMI server. When
attempting to access a path that is a removable drive (disk
drive A:, or local JAZ drive) jre displays a modal dialog
box saying "there is no disk in the drive, please insert
a disk into drive DRIVE". This happens on any type of
file IO (File.isDirectory(), new FileInputStream(), etc.) so
I have not included specific code. If you click abort, you
get the IOException.
Maybe this is not a bug, but my RMI server blocks... what I
need is for the exception to be thrown without displaying the
modal dialog box, but I can't figure out how to eliminate this
REVIEW NOTE 3/10/99 - User responded with more information
Below is a sample that easily re-creates it, and below that is my actual
code. But after further searching, I found this bug was already
> bug id: 4089199
> location:
This really, really needs to be fixed or we need a workaround!!! It would be
OK if
it just stopped the executing thread, but I am seeing that it blocks my RMI
rendering it useless (this happens if an automatic backup gets kicked off
and the
admin forgets to put in a jaz drive, for example).
Bill Walker
Lucent Technologies
--------------------------------< easy way to recreate it
public class FileTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if( args.length != 1 ) {
System.out.println("usage: jre FileTest path");
try {
File path = new File(args[0]);
System.out.println("checking directory");
if( path.isDirectory() ) {
System.out.println("path is a directory");
else {
System.out.println("not a directory");
catch(Exception e) {
----------------< actual code from my program
trace.prn("making file copy");
try {
CopyFile.copy(DbBackupImpl.this.dbName + ".odb", newName +
CopyFile.copy(DbBackupImpl.this.dbName + ".odt", newName +
CopyFile.copy(DbBackupImpl.this.dbName + ".odf", newName +
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new AdminException("file copy failed");
finally {
trace.prn("restarting db");
DbBackupImpl.this.backupInProgress = false;
public class CopyFile {
static final int BUFSIZE = 4028;
* Make a copy of a disk file.
* @param path1 the full or relative path to the file to copy
* @param path2 the destination path
* @exception IOException for any file exception.
public static void copy(String path1, String path2) throws
IOException {
byte[] buf = new byte[BUFSIZE];
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(path1);
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(path2);
while( true ) {
int bytesRead =, 0, BUFSIZE-1);
if( bytesRead == -1 ) break;
fout.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
(Review ID: 55191)
- duplicates
JDK-4089199 File creation on removable drives without a disk brings up a dialog (win)
- Resolved