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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4228939

New pipeline architecture needed to reduce overhead of common operations


    • 2d
    • beta
    • generic, x86
    • generic

      Many common operations performed on a Graphics object will interrupt
      the rendering process by causing rendering pipeline invalidation and
      the de-caching of important rendering information. While such validation
      may be necessary in some situations, the validation steps are executed
      very conservatively in the 1.2 implementations.

      For example, the rendering data will be invalidated when the color is
      changed from one opaque color to another, when a graphics object is
      cloned using the create() method, when a simple integer coordinate
      translation is requested, and many other operations which do not
      fundamentally change the nature of the rendering algorithms needed
      to respond to the various rendering requests.

      Since Swing hierarchies typically rely heavily on using the create(),
      setColor(), translate(), and clip() methods this can waste a lot of
      time during application repaints while the many graphics objects have
      their rendering data re-created over and over again during pipeline
      invalidations and subsequent validations.

            flar Jim Graham
            flar Jim Graham
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