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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4234304

java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfoSearchPath spec is implementation-specific


    • hopper
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.5

      Name: mgC56079 Date: 04/30/99

      java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfoSearchPath spec is implementation-specific:
      the javadoc says is initially set to {"sun.beans.infos"} which may be not suitable
      for alternative java implementations.
      This is a problem for XXXX.
      Corresponding JCK 1.1.6 test: api/java_beans/Introspector/manual.html#SearchPath

      More info:


        I checked with XXXXX on this issue as he has confirmed that
        the comment refers to the implementation.

        Therefore I think we should open a bug on the specification and also
        exclude the test since it is obvious now that we are testing a Sun
        specific implementation detail.
        Thank you,

        ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

        Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 12:40:13 -0700
        From: XXXXX
        X-Accept-Language: en
        MIME-Version: 1.0
        To: XXXXXX
        Subject: Re: Specification of java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfoSearchPath()
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

        The comment refers to the implementation. - XXXX

        XXXX wrote:
        > XXXX,
        > Sorry for dragging you to your java.beans days but I'm currently in
        > discussion with one of the JCK test writers regarding one of the
        > JCK tests for Introspector.getBeanInfoSearchPath(). The test is
        > being challenged by one of the licensees that I support (XXXX)
        > The issue under the discussion is the specification of this method.
        > In the javadoc comments it states:-
        > * @return The array of package names that will be searched in
        > * order to find BeanInfo classes.
        > * <p> This is initially set to {"sun.beans.infos"}.
        > The question is does the comment on the initial value of the search
        > path refer to the implementation or it is specification. Naturally
        > a clean room implementation would not choose to have an initial path
        > of sun.* but maybe this was the original intention.
        > If you any comment on this it would be appreciated.
        > Thank you,
        > XXXX

        ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------


            shommel Scott Hommel (Inactive)
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