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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4235724

HotJavaBrowserBean crashes jvm


    • generic, x86
    • generic, windows_98, windows_nt

      Name: krT82822 Date: 05/05/99

      Creating a new HotJavaBrowserBean crashes the jvm. Compile and
      run the following code:

      import sunw.hotjava.bean.*;

      public class Help {

      public Help() {
      new HotJavaBrowserBean();

      public static void main(String args[]) {
      new Help();


      This is the error I get on the command line:

      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has
       occurred in :
        'sunw/hotjava/bean/BeanPolicy.findPolicy (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsunw/hotjav
      a/security/BasePolicy;': Interpreting method.
        Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi

      and this is the text in the system dialog:

      JAVA caused an invalid page fault in
      module JVM.DLL at 015f:5043a908.
      EAX=00760ca0 CS=015f EIP=5043a908 EFLGS=00010246
      EBX=00760ca0 SS=0167 ESP=00540000 EBP=00000100
      ECX=017f90a0 DS=0167 ESI=017fde28 FS=42af
      EDX=00000000 ES=0167 EDI=0066d2f8 GS=0000
      Bytes at CS:EIP:
      56 e8 8b 69 fe ff 83 c4 0c 85 c0 75 0f 8b 54 24
      Stack dump:
      017f90a0 00760ca0 0054018c 50472960 00760ca0 007f9158 8a800000 017fe0d8 0063fd90 00010090 00760ca0 00000000 01a38020 0054001a 0066d2f8 5043b45e

      C:\WIN98\Profiles\dgoulden\Desktop>java -version
      java version "1.2.1"
      Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.1-A, native threads)

      C:\WIN98\Profiles\dgoulden\Desktop>java -fullversion
      JAVA.EXE full version "JDK-1.2.1-A"
      (Review ID: 57878)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 05/21/99

      [21 May 1999 13:29:32 GMT] <note> Starting up NetForge 1.0
      When starting netforge Web server <http://www.novocode.com/prod/nf/> the following error is received:-

      [21 May 1999 13:29:32 GMT] <note> Home directory is "C:\usr\local\netforge"
      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has
       occurred in :
        'novocode/tk/security/SandboxSecurityManager.checkPackageAccess (Ljava/lang/String;)V': Interpreting method.
        Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
      (Review ID: 83355)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 06/08/99

      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error
      'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has occurred in :
      Interpreting method.
      Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
      (Review ID: 84101)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 06/09/99

      C:\unzipped\psaudit>c:\jdk1.2.1\bin\java -classic com.pentasafe.psaudit.PSAuditExpress

      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.100(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has occurred in :
      (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsunw/hotjava/security/BasePolicy;': Interpreting method.
       Please report this error in detail to

      JAVA caused an invalid page fault in
      module SYMCJIT.DLL at 0157:05524e31.
      EAX=008f3b00 CS=0157 EIP=05524e31 EFLGS=00010202
      EBX=058d06a0 SS=015f ESP=058cf8d0 EBP=058d0678
      ECX=060c4e74 DS=015f ESI=060c4e74 FS=4867
      EDX=061bd2dc ES=015f EDI=008f3b00 GS=0000
      Bytes at CS:EIP:
      53 56 57 89 65 f0 8b f1 50 56 89 75 ec e8 ed ef
      Stack dump:


      C:\jdk1.2.1\bin>set JAVA_COMPCMD=FORCE_SIGNON

      C:\jdk1.2.1\bin>.\javac -classic
      Symantec Java! JustInTime Compiler Version 3.10.100(x) for JDK 1.2
      Copyright (C) 1996-98 Symantec Corporation

      Usage: javac <options> <source files>

      C:\jdk1.2.1\bin>java -classic -version
      java version "1.2.1"
      Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.1-A, native threads)
      (Review ID: 84146)

      Name: krT82822 Date: 06/25/99

      Created Panel class that continaed HOTJAVABROWSER BEAN. Attemted to call this form a frame and display as part of Java Application, Application crashed wiht the following error:
      A nonfatal internal JIT(3.00.078(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has occurred in :
      'sunw/hotjava/bean/BeanPolicy.finPolicy (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsunw/hotjava/security/basePolicy;': Interpreting method.
      (Review ID: 84840)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 07/08/99

      The HotJavaBrowserBean does not load in the bean box so I tried doing it by hand. The following code attempts to load the HotJavaBrowserBean.

      import java.beans.*;
      import sunw.hotjava.bean.*;
      public class BrowserTest {
      BrowserTest() {
      try {
      ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader();
      System.out.println("Got class loader");
      HotJavaBrowserBean tb = (HotJavaBrowserBean)Beans.instantiate(cl, "sunw.hotjava.bean.HotJavaBrowserBean");
      System.out.println("Got bean");
      catch (Exception e) {

      public static void main(String args[]) {

      new BrowserTest();


      This code produces the following error:
      D:\BROWSER>java BrowserTest
      Got class loader
      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has
       occurred in :
        'sunw/hotjava/bean/BeanPolicy.findPolicy (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsunw/hotjava/security/BasePolicy;': Interpreting method.
        Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi

      Replacing HotJavaBrowserBean with the name of any other bean (even beans in the same JAR) cause the program to run without a hitch.

      -- Mike
      (Review ID: 85376)

      Name: krT82822 Date: 08/16/99

      The appication could compiled successfully. BUt at run time , it gives the following error->
      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error 'Structured Exception (c00000fd)' has occured in :
      'sunw/hotjava/bean/BeanPolicy.findPolicy (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsunw/hotjava/security/BasePolicy;':Interpreting method.

      I want to know if HOtJavaBean supports only JDK 1.1 version or also supports JDK 1.2 ?
      You can contact me on ###@###.###

      (Review ID: 93986)

      Name: krT82822 Date: 09/03/99

      Whesn starting application which contains the Sun HotJava Browser bean, the following error message is displayed:

      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has occured in:

        'sunw/hotjava/bean/BeanPolicy.findPolicy (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lsunw/hotjava/security/BasePolicy;': Interpreting method.

      This problem has not occured in earlier (1.1.7 and earlier) versions of the JDK.
      (Review ID: 94860)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 12/10/99

      java version "1.2.2"
      Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2-W, native threads, symcjit)

      I am currently building a replacement for SecurityManager using
      the KeyNote trust management system. In some situations errors in
      the code can result in that the stack machine exists in the following

      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has
      occurred in :
        'MobileCodeSecurityManager.checkRead (Ljava/lang/String;)V': Interpreting
        Please report this error in detail to

      This can for example happen if the function in the SecurityManager calls
      it self to many times. And it also happens in the following functions
      in the else clause, which I find strange:

          public void checkRead(String file)
      if (inClassLoader() == false)
      KeyNote keynote = new KeyNote(nonlocalTrusted,

      String[] cos = new String[1];
      cos[0] = "file=" + file;

      String authorizer = checkClassLoaderGetAuthorizer();


      String test = keynote.checkAction

      if (test.compareTo("min") == 0)
      throw (new SecurityException
      System.out.println("Hummm. We should have a class loader");
      System.out.println("on stack.");

      Class[] classes = getClassContext();

      for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)

      The defect seems to occurs if any operation is done on a Class
      in the array.
      (Review ID: 98873)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 02/23/2000

      a non fatal internal JIT(3.00.078(x)) error 'structured exception(c00000fd)' has
      occured in !

      public void watch()
       FileInputStream fr1=new FileInputStream("text1.txt");
       FileInputStream fr2=new FileInputStream("text2.txt");
       FileInputStream fr3=new FileInputStream("text3.txt");
       FileInputStream fr4=new FileInputStream("text4.txt");
       FileInputStream fr5=new FileInputStream("text5.txt");
       int i1=fr1.available();
       int i2=fr2.available();
       int i3=fr3.available();
       int i4=fr4.available();
       int i5=fr5.available();

      when executing this method repeatedly the problem came
      (Review ID: 101621)

      Name: skT88420 Date: 03/01/2000

      java version "1.2.2"
      Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2-001, native threads, symcjit)

      A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c00000fd)' has
       occurred in :
        'oracle/jdbc/driver/OracleStatement.parseSqlKind ()I': Interpreting method.
        Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cg

      This occurred in a recursive routine and may be related to stack overflow but I
      can't be sure.
      (Review ID: 101903)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            kryansunw Kevin Ryan (Inactive)
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