gemma.riner@eng 1999-05-06
testing on Cricket Build R
The Applet Attack Scenario tests are not working properly
on specific configuration.
On Windows 95 with IE3.0, IE4.01, NS3.04, NS4.51, the tests
are working properly.
On Windows 98 with IE4.0 and NS4.08, the tests are failing
and the browser crashes.
Log file is in:
(also attached)
On Windows NT with IE5.0, the tests are working properly.
But with NS4.08 and NS4.51, the test hangs on the 1st test (LoadLibrary).
On Sol7 with NS4.51, the tests are working properly.
On Solaris 2.6 with NS4.08 and 4.51 , the test hangs on the SecurityExceptionTest, the java console closes by itself. If
you are reloading the applet, the browser will crash.
vince.duong@Eng 1999-05-06