Resolution: Won't Fix
1.2.1, 1.2.2
Name: vi73552 Date: 06/14/99
This is a non reproductible error - I am sorry
While compiling with javac in the JDK1.2.1, I got the following error message:
A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error 'PropZP: Bad internal opcode(7f)' has occurred in :
'sun/tools/java/MethodSet.add (Lsun/tools/java/MemberDefinition;)V': Interpreting method.
Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
WaterSource.java:7: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found.
private Vector waterListeners = new Vector();
WaterSource.java:7: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found.
private Vector waterListeners = new Vector();
WaterSource.java:30: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found in void addWaterListener(sunw.demo.water.WaterListener).
WaterSource.java:34: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found in void removeWaterListener(sunw.demo.water.WaterListener).
WaterSource.java:38: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found.
Vector l;
WaterSource.java:42: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found.
l = (Vector)waterListeners.clone();
WaterSource.java:42: Class sunw.demo.water.Vector not found in void splash().
l = (Vector)waterListeners.clone();
WaterSource.java:47: Method handleSplash(sunw.demo.water.WaterEventObject) not found in interface sunw.demo.water.WaterListener.
8 errors
Double click on the line with file name
and error number to locate the error.
(Review ID: 84318)
Name: krT82822 Date: 01/25/2000
java version "1.2.2"
Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2-001, native threads, symcjit)
Classic VM generates the error shown below. Unfortunately I cannot provide
source code as the class file causing the error is not generated from Java
source. Hotspot compiler 2.0rc1 does not generate an error (but I don't know if
the method in question gets chosen for compilation).
A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'duplicate:Bad internal opcode(c0)'
has occurred in :
'test.dummy ()V': Interpreting method.
Please report this error in detail to
The problem appears to be caused by a construct generated by my compiler (any
generated method containing it causes the above error) as shown in this
(contrived) example:
Method void dummy()
0 sipush 256
3 istore 1
5 getstatic #1054 <Field xxx failException
8 athrow
9 getstatic #1054 <Field xxx failException
12 athrow
13 goto 29
16 iinc 1 -1
19 iload 1
21 iflt 28
24 pop
25 goto 9
28 athrow
29 return
Exception table:
from to target type
5 13 16 <Class xxx>
(Review ID: 100323)