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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4251136

HotSpot VM fails to execute nested loops with float remainder


    • beta
    • x86
    • windows_nt

      Name: icC57033 Date: 07/01/99

      Both HotSpot 1.0fcs and 1.0.1 build b fail to execute next test case:
      #-------------------------- runtime003.java -------------------------
      import java.io.*;

      public class runtime003 {
      public static int buf=0;

      public static void main( String argv[] ) {
      System.exit(run(argv, System.out)+95);
      public static int run(String argv[],PrintStream out) {
      int ret=0, retx=0, bad=0;

      for( int i=0; (i < 100000) && (bad < 10) ; i++ ) {
      retx = OptoRuntime_modf_Type(out);
      ret += retx;
      if( retx !=0 ) {
      return ret==0 ? 0 : 2 ;

      public static int OptoRuntime_modf_Type(PrintStream out) {
      int c1=2, c2=3;
      int j=0, k=0;
      try {
      float[][] fff=new float[c1][c2];

      for( j=0; j<c1; j++ ) {
      for( k=0; k<c2; k++ ) {
      } catch (Throwable e) {
      out.println("Unexpected exception " + e);
      out.println("j="+j+", k="+k);
      return 1;
      return 0;
      #-------------------- end of runtime003.java -------------------------

      While executing in -Xmixed or -Xcomp mode, HotSpot VM compiles method
      OptoRuntime_modf_Type, but fails to terminate nested loop properly
      and as a result throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException.
      It seems that compiled code does not check loop variable and therefore
      tries to assign array elements with indices greater then upper bound.
      When the first ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException is thrown, typical values for
      loops counters for PentiumII, 128 Mb, 350 Mhz, WinNT 4.0 are:

      It is interesting, that runtime throws exception when variable k has value
      much greater then upper bound of array fff.
      This problem is reproduced also for double remainder.

      Xint mode is OK.
      Classic VM, HotSpot VM (2.0dev build a), HotSpot Client (1.3beta build i) are OK.


            mpalecznsunw Michael Paleczny (Inactive)
            ichebykisunw Igor Chebykin (Inactive)
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