Operating system : Windows 95 and NT.
Mode : -Xcomp
Tests failed :
jit/symcjit/4146837/ConstructorTest compile_and_execute
How to reproduce :
1. Install jdk 1.2.2 fcs.
2. Install hotspot 2.0 build B.
3. Create testlist with above failures.
4. Run tests using Tonga.
5. Testbase : /net/sqesvr/vsn/testbase/testbase_js
Output with java :
Case#304: Rectangle2D.Float(float, float, float, float): Expected rectangle to be empty but found it be not empty[height = Infinity, width = 1.77968051E9]: Failed
Case#308: Rectangle2D.Float(float, float, float, float): Expected rectangle to be empty but found it be not empty[height = Infinity, width = 3.4028235E38]: Failed
Case#312: Rectangle2D.Float(float, float, float, float): Expected rectangle to be empty but found it be not empty[height = Infinity, width = Infinity]: Failed
*** 25 out of 400 test cases failed. ***
STATUS:Failed. 1 out of 3 tests failed. First test that failed is testCase3
TEST FAIL jit/symcjit/4146837/ConstructorTest compile_and_execute
Mode : -Xcomp
Tests failed :
jit/symcjit/4146837/ConstructorTest compile_and_execute
How to reproduce :
1. Install jdk 1.2.2 fcs.
2. Install hotspot 2.0 build B.
3. Create testlist with above failures.
4. Run tests using Tonga.
5. Testbase : /net/sqesvr/vsn/testbase/testbase_js
Output with java :
Case#304: Rectangle2D.Float(float, float, float, float): Expected rectangle to be empty but found it be not empty[height = Infinity, width = 1.77968051E9]: Failed
Case#308: Rectangle2D.Float(float, float, float, float): Expected rectangle to be empty but found it be not empty[height = Infinity, width = 3.4028235E38]: Failed
Case#312: Rectangle2D.Float(float, float, float, float): Expected rectangle to be empty but found it be not empty[height = Infinity, width = Infinity]: Failed
*** 25 out of 400 test cases failed. ***
STATUS:Failed. 1 out of 3 tests failed. First test that failed is testCase3
TEST FAIL jit/symcjit/4146837/ConstructorTest compile_and_execute