Operating system : Windows 95 and NT
Mode : Xcomp
Test Failed :
jit/symcjit/4139731/Date/DateTest compile_and_execute
Testbase : /net/sqesvr/vsn/testbase/testbase_js
Steps to reproduce :
1. Install JDK 122 FCS.
2. Install Hotspot 2.0 Beta build B
3. Create a ini file to run Tonga.
4. Create a testlist with the above fail.
5. Run the tests using Tonga.
Output with java_g :
java_g -Xcomp -XX:+SafepointALot DateTest
Exit status of Execution is :1
DateTest {
TestDate480VM option '+SafepointALot'
# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, assertion failure
# assert(thread->safepoint_state()->code_buffer() == 0 || thread->safepoint_stat
e()->code_buffer()->contains(target_pc), "bad target_pc (2)")
# Error ID: C:/hotspot\src\share\vm\runtime\sharedRuntime.cpp, 359
TEST FAIL jit/symcjit/4139731/Date/DateTest compile_and_execute
Changed the Synopsis
uday.dhanikonda@eng 1999-08-31
Mode : Xcomp
Test Failed :
jit/symcjit/4139731/Date/DateTest compile_and_execute
Testbase : /net/sqesvr/vsn/testbase/testbase_js
Steps to reproduce :
1. Install JDK 122 FCS.
2. Install Hotspot 2.0 Beta build B
3. Create a ini file to run Tonga.
4. Create a testlist with the above fail.
5. Run the tests using Tonga.
Output with java_g :
java_g -Xcomp -XX:+SafepointALot DateTest
Exit status of Execution is :1
DateTest {
TestDate480VM option '+SafepointALot'
# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, assertion failure
# assert(thread->safepoint_state()->code_buffer() == 0 || thread->safepoint_stat
e()->code_buffer()->contains(target_pc), "bad target_pc (2)")
# Error ID: C:/hotspot\src\share\vm\runtime\sharedRuntime.cpp, 359
TEST FAIL jit/symcjit/4139731/Date/DateTest compile_and_execute
Changed the Synopsis
uday.dhanikonda@eng 1999-08-31