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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4274898

JFrame/Frame cannot be created with a size greater than screen size



    • beta
    • generic
    • solaris_7


      My ISV is currently a Java3D viewer. One of its feature is to do a full-screen display of a 3D model. But there are some difficulties in Java/Swing to implement this. The details are as follows:

      They tried using a full-screen JWindow and an oversized JFrame. Neither worked 100%. The JWindow has problems with getting focus...like no focus at all on Solaris (BugId: 4121501, closed without any fix). That makes it pretty much useless as an interactive window. We could, however, get the JWindow to be exactly the size of the screen on NT, and off by one pixel on the top and left on Solaris.

      The JFrame solves the focus problem, but introduces some new problems. On NT, the maximum height of a frame is apparently 8 pixels more than the screen size (1036 on a screen height of 1024). The frame requires 27 pixels to be hidden (23 at the top and 4 at the bottom) for a total of 1051. This means that when you scoot the frame off the top and left to hide the title bar and left border, the bottom of the frame is still visible. We have no idea why they cannot oversize the NT frame to the size they need.

      On Solaris, the CDE window manager is set by default to require onscreen windows. That means we cannot oversize the window at all. Setting bounds to (-6,-30,1292,1060) to hide the borders gives them a window that is actually (0,0,1280,1024).

      On Solaris, getBounds() returns incorrect information. For example, on Solaris it tells us the window bounds are (-6,-30,1280,1024). The size is correct, but the location is not. NT tells us (-4,-23,1288,1036), which is accurate (though we asked for (-4,-23,1288,1051)).




            rraysunw Richard Ray (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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