OS : Windows NT
Mode : -Xcomp.
Test Failed :
How to reproduce :
1. Install JDK 1.2.2 build W
2. Install hotspot server 2.0 build G
3. Map J: \\tapas\export1\testexec
4. Run the following commandline.
Commandline : java -cp j:/jck-122a/javatest.jar javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.ExecJCKTestOtherJVMCmd CLASSPATH=J:\JCK-122a\tests\..\classes;J:\JCK-122a\javatest.jar PATH=J:\JCK-122a\tests\..\lib\lib_windowsNT java -Xcomp -verify javasoft.sqe.tests.lang.fpl036.fpl03604m3.fpl03604m3
NOTE : This test passes with -Xmixed.
Mode : -Xcomp.
Test Failed :
How to reproduce :
1. Install JDK 1.2.2 build W
2. Install hotspot server 2.0 build G
3. Map J: \\tapas\export1\testexec
4. Run the following commandline.
Commandline : java -cp j:/jck-122a/javatest.jar javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.ExecJCKTestOtherJVMCmd CLASSPATH=J:\JCK-122a\tests\..\classes;J:\JCK-122a\javatest.jar PATH=J:\JCK-122a\tests\..\lib\lib_windowsNT java -Xcomp -verify javasoft.sqe.tests.lang.fpl036.fpl03604m3.fpl03604m3
NOTE : This test passes with -Xmixed.