OS : Windows NT
Mode : -Xmixed
Test Failed :
K-Wiz failed to start with Kestrel JDK build J.
How to reproduce :
1. Install JDK 1.3 build J
2. Install hotspot server 2.0 build G
3. Map Q: \\bespin\apps
4. cd Q:\Program Files\KwizSolutions\Kwiz\bin
5. run kwiz-server.bat
Output with java :
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.ryAdumFfLImHImlmFOsk.AOmVFskOvyFZdWOumVnOPJTsPIOx(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.ryAdumFfLImHImlmFOsk.vFnmO(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.QdWOumryA.PyAdWOumoylCFOOu(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.QdWOumryA.nunmnsPnxOryAVnPO(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.QdWOumryA.nunmnsPnxO(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.R.C.QROumFsPqOFuOP.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.R.C.QROumFsPqOFuOP.main(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.kwiz.kd.util.KwizLoader.main(Unknown Source)
NOTE : Kwiz worked well with JDK 1.2.2 build W. So my doubt is that they are using Kestrel beta for running kwiz.
Mode : -Xmixed
Test Failed :
K-Wiz failed to start with Kestrel JDK build J.
How to reproduce :
1. Install JDK 1.3 build J
2. Install hotspot server 2.0 build G
3. Map Q: \\bespin\apps
4. cd Q:\Program Files\KwizSolutions\Kwiz\bin
5. run kwiz-server.bat
Output with java :
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.ryAdumFfLImHImlmFOsk.AOmVFskOvyFZdWOumVnOPJTsPIOx(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.ryAdumFfLImHImlmFOsk.vFnmO(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.QdWOumryA.PyAdWOumoylCFOOu(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.QdWOumryA.nunmnsPnxOryAVnPO(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.U.QdWOumryA.nunmnsPnxO(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.R.C.QROumFsPqOFuOP.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.kwiz.kdOb1.R.C.QROumFsPqOFuOP.main(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.kwiz.kd.util.KwizLoader.main(Unknown Source)
NOTE : Kwiz worked well with JDK 1.2.2 build W. So my doubt is that they are using Kestrel beta for running kwiz.