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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4283865

Font not found message is displayed on Solaris 8, JA



    • 2d
    • kestrel
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6
    • Verified


      =====Testing on Solaris8(beta)
      Such a message is displayed when the program of awt is run with
      Solaris8 (beta).
      This message is displayed only with kestrel_fcs_K. It isn't displayed
      with JDK1.2.1/1.2.2

      Font specified in font.properties not found [-ricoh-heiseimin-w3-r-normal--*-%d-

      However, a system is supporting this font as the following.
      ohio% xlsfonts | grep -i ricoh-heiseimin-w3-r-normal

      =====Testing on Solaris7
      A message is displayed like this when the program which is the same as the above
      program of awt is run.
      Message is displayed with Solaris7 in JDK1.2.1/1.2.2/kestrel_fcs_K all.

      Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-arial-regular-r-normal--*

      However, a system is supporting this font as the following ,too.
      koala% xlsfonts | grep -i monotype-arial-regular-r-normal

      The test sample program of AWT is copied in the following.
      Compile this, and excute it.
      This isn't reproduced on localeC.
      The phenomenon occured on locale ja was confirmed.

      Start TitleView.java------------------------------------------
      import java.awt.*;

      public class TitleView extends Frame {
        static final String hexConst = "0123456789ABCDEF";
        Button bOK, bPrev, bNext, bPop;
        TextField n;
        PopupMenu popit;

        int higher; // 16

        public TitleView() {
          higher = 0;
      // buttons
          setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          add(bOK = new Button("OK"));
          add(bPrev = new Button("Previous"));
          add(bNext = new Button("Next"));
          add(bPop = new Button("Popup"));
          add(n = new TextField(4));

        private void setview() {
          char charr[] = new char[37];

          charr[0] = hexConst.charAt((higher >> 8) & 15);
          charr[1] = hexConst.charAt((higher >> 4) & 15);
          charr[2] = hexConst.charAt((higher >> 0) & 15);
          charr[3] = '0';
          charr[4] = ' ';
          n.setText(new String(charr));
          for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            charr[i * 2 + 5] = (char)((((int)higher) << 4) + i);
            charr[i * 2 + 6] = ' ';
          String chs = new String(charr);
          popit = new PopupMenu(chs);
          popit.add(new MenuItem(chs));

        public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) {
          if(evt.target == bOK) {
          } else if(evt.target == bPop) {
            popit.show(this, 0, 0);
          } else if(evt.target == bPrev) {
            return true;
          } else if(evt.target == bNext) {
            return true;
          } else if(evt.target == n) {
            int x;
            try {
      x = Integer.parseInt(n.getText(), 16);
            } catch(Exception e) {
      x = higher << 4;
            higher = (x >> 4) & 0xfff0;
            return true;
          return false;
        public static void main(String args[]) {
          TitleView test;

          test = new TitleView();
      End TitleView.java------------------------------------------




            khongsunw Karl Hong (Inactive)
            eishidasunw Etsuko Ishida (Inactive)
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