Issue | Fix Version | Assignee | Priority | Status | Resolution | Resolved In Build |
JDK-2029975 | 1.1.3_001 | Btplusnull User | P4 | Closed | Fixed | b01 |
Name: skT88420 Date: 11/02/99
java version "1.2.2"
Hotspot VM (1.0.1, mixed mode, build g)
After installing JRE 1.2.2i on 2 NT4 SP5 sytems I've noticed clicking the "Java
Plug-in Control Panel" shortcut didn't work. The panel did NOT appear on the
screen. I checked the shortcut and found "javaw.exe" being called without any
path preceding it. So I added the complete path information (%Program
Files%\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\bin) and also set this path as the working directory for
the shortcut. Now the panel appears! Why didn't it work right out of the box?
I've also checked "App Paths" registry key for "javaw.exe" and found it to be
set incorrectly. This is definitely a bug. The "\bin" subpath was missing in
both values ("Default" and "Path"). However, even after this fix, the added path
in the shortcut is still required. Why?
You may want to shed some light on this issue.
Heinz Wehner
(Karlsruhe, Germany)
(Review ID: 97316)
Name: skT88420 Date: 11/02/99
java version "1.2.2"
Classic VM (build 1.2.2-W, native threads, symcjit)
I downloaded and installed JDK1.2.2 for Windows. The documentation
says that I get the JDK 1.2.2 Plugin included in the software.
If plugin documentation also says that I can start the plugin
console by using the Start->Programs entry. However, the install
did not create such an entry. The documentation for the plugin
offers no alternative start method for the console.
(Review ID: 97260)
Name: skT88420 Date: 11/02/99
java version "1.2.1"
Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.1-A, native threads)
Java Plug-In control panel fails to start with the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: setActiveCertificatesSet
at sun.plugin.panel.WindowsPlatform.onLoad(Native Method)
at sun.plugin.panel.ActivatorPanel.<init>(
at sun.plugin.panel.ControlPanel.<init>(
at sun.plugin.panel.ControlPanel.main(
Command line: "C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\bin\java.exe" -classpath ..
\lib\rt.jar;..\lib\jaws.jar sun.plugin.panel.ControlPanel
Startup directory: "C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\bin"
(Review ID: 97332)
- backported by
JDK-2029975 Java Plug-in Control Panel doesn't show up
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-4314001 Registery key for plugin 1.1.3 not properly set
- Closed