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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4288475

assert(test != 0, "Unexpected object header as 0"); -Xcomp


    • fcs
    • x86
    • windows_nt

      HS 2.0-rc1B intermittently brings the whole WinNT system to crash down while
      executing the JCK-stress test 'jck12a017'. However, sometimes crash is not so
      severe -- HS sometimes crashes by exactly the same way as is described in the
          4288182 (P4/S5) RC1 : Build B : 2 JCK VM tests crash with assert in os_win32.cpp. 729

      I've executed the test 'jck12a017' manually 9 times. Twice, I've observed WinNT
      "blue screens of death", displaying something like:
          *** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005,0x801399CA,0x00000001,0x0EAF8437)
          KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED*** Address 801399ca has base at 80100000 - ntoskrnl.exe
          . . .
      And once the following crash message appeared:
          # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
          # Error ID: 4F533F57494E13120E43505002D9
      (i.e.: ErrorID = "os_win32.cpp, 729")

      Note, that the test 'jck12a017' involves JCK 1.2a tests from API-tests sub-suite,
      not VM-tests. So, the problem described in the bug #4288182 affects not only VM
      tests from JCK testbase.

      The stress test 'jck12a017' belongs to the 'testbase_nsk' testbase, and its
      sources could be found in the directory:

      To execute this test follow these instructions:

          1. Create some temporary directory, to say C:\TEMP\jck12a017,
             and make this directory your current directory:
                 cd C:\TEMP\jck12a017

          2. Copy the test's sources into this directory. You need to copy
             only the file 'jck12a017.java', and the files 'jck12a017.cfg'
             and 'jck12a017.README' are optional.

          3. Also copy into the current directory the stress-wrapper needed to
             execute the test. The wrapper is the 'StressTest.java' file found
             in the directory:

          4. Create 'classes' subdirectory for the wrapper's class-files you will
             need to compile:
                 mkdir classes

          5. Mount to the drive L: the NFS directory:
             (it is available as \\grinder\local-java for NT machines)

          6. Setup the CLASSPATH to provide the test with JavaTest 2.0 tool
             and JCK 1.2a pre-compiled API tests:
                 set CLASSPATH=.;.\classes;L:\sqe-tools2.0\javatest.jar;L:\jck1.2\JCK-runtime-api-12a\classes

          7. Compile the wrapper with JDK 1.2, JDK 1.2.2 or JDK 1.3 compiler:
                 javac -d .\classes StressTest.java

          8. Compile the test with JDK 1.2, JDK 1.2.2 or JDK 1.3 compiler:
                 javac jck12a017.java

          9. Execute the test several times to reproduce the failure:
                 java jck12a017 2>log

      OOPS! -- I've fogotten to mention, that the problem only arises in -Xcomp mode!
      So, please execute the test with -Xcomp keyword:
          java -Xcomp jck12a017

            cclicksunw Clifford Click (Inactive)
            elatkinsunw Eugene Latkin (Inactive)
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