Resolution: Duplicate
1.3.0, 1.4.0
Name: lb39792 Date: 11/11/99
Add api for dynamically getting/setting z-order for toplevel windows so that
programs can control
the stacking of these windows.This feature would give Swing the ability to
correctly enforce
the visibility of dialog boxxes, floating toolbars, and tool palettes. This
could enhance the functionality
and usability of many types of productivity applications that could be created
with Swing/JLF
(such as image editting programs ala Photoshop). Used correctly, this feature
could greatly enhance
a user's experience with an application that is functionally on par with native
- duplicates
JDK-4416305 RFE: Allow AWT peers to be always "on top".
- Closed
JDK-4061458 Window management: Java AWT API needed for getting and setting window stacking.
- Closed