Compile the world failing in all jar files when running with
production JDK1.3.
To reproduce the bug:
1. Install the production JDK from
2. copy C2 fastdebug nightly build binary into jre/lib/sparc/server/ directory
3. set your JAVA_HOME to production JDK location
4. run
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -server -XX:+CompileTheWorld
5. You will get following error message.
$ /net/jde1/export/jtechbig/fhsu/jdk/Solaris_JDK_1.3_b01/bin/java -server
VM option '+CompileTheWorld'
CompileTheWorld : Compiling all classes in
# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Unexpected Signal 11
# occurred at pc=eed9fbec
# Error ID:
/net/jde1.eng/export/jtechbig/hs/nightly/hotspot_baseline_nightly/sparc/ws.2000_02_15_03_21/src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp, 1924
[ Patched ]
# Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x45fa8 nid=0x1 runnable
Dumping core....
production JDK1.3.
To reproduce the bug:
1. Install the production JDK from
2. copy C2 fastdebug nightly build binary into jre/lib/sparc/server/ directory
3. set your JAVA_HOME to production JDK location
4. run
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -server -XX:+CompileTheWorld
5. You will get following error message.
$ /net/jde1/export/jtechbig/fhsu/jdk/Solaris_JDK_1.3_b01/bin/java -server
VM option '+CompileTheWorld'
CompileTheWorld : Compiling all classes in
# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Unexpected Signal 11
# occurred at pc=eed9fbec
# Error ID:
/net/jde1.eng/export/jtechbig/hs/nightly/hotspot_baseline_nightly/sparc/ws.2000_02_15_03_21/src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp, 1924
[ Patched ]
# Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x45fa8 nid=0x1 runnable
Dumping core....