Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Name: krT82822 Date: 03/07/2000
(the first submission of this bug failed...am submitting again...if both bugs later show up, please delete one as a dupe)
7 Mar 2000, eval1127@eng -- this is probably already being tracked elsewhere, but I couldn't find a definitive duplicate bug.
Having three copies of SwingSet2 up on a 128Mb PII 400 (under NT 4.0 SP6a) was enough to reproduce this problem.
java version "1.3.0rc1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0rc1-T)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0rc1-S, mixed mode)
When you have more than 1 Swing application open on the desktop and you move a
JFrame/JDialog around the screen, the other Swing frames/dialogs exhibit
excessive repainting behaviour. There is SO much repainting going on that the
entire system actually slows down. (you can see the actual desktop flickering)
Test case: Borland JBuilder Foundation window open and another
small/lightweight application developed by myself. Move the small frame around
the desktop and you can see that the JBuilder window (which is JFrame based)
can't keep up with repainting. This is not limited to JBuilder.
I think i saw a closed bug with the same problem under Windows NT: 4236146
I believe the difference with Windows 98 is that Windows 2000 & NT repaint the
contents of the window while dragging.
(Review ID: 102129)
- relates to
JDK-4193567 Dragging JFrame causes full dsktp redraw & horrible pfmnce(dual-CPU,NT4/SP3)
- Closed