Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Script TestConv.ksh and source code are attached. The script allows the test
to be run outside the JavaTest (yuck) harness. Bug 4179153 says that this bug
is fixed in kestrel-beta. If the test is valid, the fix did not make it into
classic JDK 1.3 or kestrel-solaris (build 13).
The name of the test that is failing is
algol% !$
Checking Cp1006...
Checking Big5...
Warning 1: \uFF3F -> 0xA1C4 multi-mapping? 0xA15A
Warning 2: \u2571 -> 0xA2AC multi-mapping? 0xA1FE
Warning 3: \u2572 -> 0xA2AD multi-mapping? 0xA240
Warning 4: \u5341 -> 0xA451 multi-mapping? 0xA2CC
Warning 5: \u5345 -> 0xA4CA multi-mapping? 0xA2CE
java.lang.RuntimeException: 5 Warning(s).
at TestConv.checkConverter(TestConv.java:123)
at TestConv.main(TestConv.java:19)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at javasoft.sqe.javatest.regtest.MainWrapper$MainThread.run(MainWrapper.java:94)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 5 Warning(s).
JavaTest Message: shutting down test
STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 5 Warning(s).
From bug 4179153:
Apple changed the Macintosh Roman and Macintosh Symbol character encodings to support the Euro character. The JDK character encoding converters need to be updated for this change. Additional information below.
From: ###@###.###
Subject: Re: Euro character
All the details are in the mapping tables at the following ftp sites:
These tables have extensive comments in the header (and are accompanied by
a detailed README and list of corp char assignments).
I try to keep these tables up to date with any mapping changes. You should
try to ensure that the Java encoding converters for Mac OS encodings match
these tables; these are the official definitions of the Mac OS encodings.
Briefly, the EURO SIGN changes for Mac OS 8.5 & TEC 1.4 are:
1. In the standard Mac OS Roman encoding, 0xDB, which was formerly CURRENCY
SIGN, has been reassigned as EURO SIGN.
2. A new variant of Mac OS Roman has been defined -
kMacRomanCurrencySignVariant - which uses the old mapping, with 0xDB
assigned to CURRENCY SIGN.
3. UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding() will choose the correct variant
depending on the system version.
4. In the Mac OS Symbol encoding, 0xA0, which was formerly unassigned, is
now assigned EURO SIGN.
5. The standard Apple fonts have been updated for Mac OS 8.5 to reflect this.
allan.jacobs@Eng 2000-05-03
I changed the program TestConv.java (attached) so that it does not abort before
getting to the tests for the MacSymbol encoding. The problem occurs when the
program spits out:
Checking MacSymbol...
Warning 1: 0xA0 -> \uFFFD multi-mapping? \u20AC
indicating that the byte 0xA0 has been converted to Unicode \uFFFD instead of
\u20AC; and
Checking MacRoman...
Warning 1: 0xBD -> \u2126 multi-mapping? \u03A9
Warning 2: 0xDB -> \uA4 multi-mapping? \u20AC
indicating that the byte 0xDB has been converted to Unicode \uA4 instead of
\u20AC. It sounds like we have a choice of MacRoman encodings (see above).
allan.jacobs@Eng 2000-07-11
- relates to
JDK-4362472 Mac encodings need to be updated.
- Open
JDK-4179153 Need to update Macintosh encoding converters for Euro character
- Resolved