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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4351671

unix: TestPep test from testbase_ss fails under Hotspot VM



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Not an Issue
    • P3
    • None
    • 1.3.0
    • hotspot
    • x86
    • linux


      Name: dkC103137 Date: 07/10/2000

      misc/putback/alltests/TestPep testMisk from testbase_ss fails under
      Linux JDK1.3 Hotspot ( both client and server VM) and Solaris JDK1.3 Hotspot ( both client and
      server VM). The test passes under Linux JDK1.3 classic VM, Linux JDK1.2.2 classic VM, Solaris
      JDK1.2.2 (Hotspot
      and classic VM).

      The Java Language Specification reads:

      3.10.5 String Literals

      A string literal consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes. Each character may
      be represented by an escape sequence.
      This example illustrates six points:

             Literal strings within the same class (§8) in the same package (§7) represent references to
      the same String object (§4.3.1).
             Literal strings within different classes in the same package represent references to the same

      String object.
             Literal strings within different classes in different packages likewise represent references
      to the same String object.
             Strings computed by constant expressions (§15.27) are computed at compile time and then
      treated as if they were literals.
             Strings computed at run time are newly created and therefore distinct.
             The result of explicitly interning a computed string is the same string as any pre-existing
      literal string with the same contents.
      ------------------------------------- end of citation
      Note that "Strings computed at run time are newly created and therefore distinct".

      The testMisk creates string literal str1="java.lang.Thread" and then creates second string
      The second string can not be created at compile time because it is not String literal nor constant
      String expression . Then test compares these two strings using equality operator and expects false
      as the result. But in Hotspot these two string are identical.

      Please see output below
      ------------------------------------------ output --------------------------------------------------

      [kdos@linux-11 TestPep]$ java -version
      java version "1.3.0beta"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0beta-b09)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0beta-b07, mixed mode)
      [kdos@linux-11 TestPep]$ java PepTest
      Hello, coffee world!
      Time now is Mon Jul 10 15:36:57 GMT+07:00 2000, ms: 963218217643
        java.version = 1.3.0beta
        java.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
        java.vendor.url = http://java.sun.com/
        java.home = /.automount/novo48/root/export/home1/jdk1.3/linux/jre
        java.class.version = 47.0
        java.class.path = .
        os.name = Linux
        os.version = 2.2.12-20
        os.arch = i386
        file.separator = /
        path.separator = :
        line.separator =

        user.name = kdos
        user.home = /home/kdos
        user.dir = /home/kdos/bugs/TestPep
      testIf: OK
      testArray: OK
      testBitOps: OK
      testFor: OK
      testDiv: OK
      testTableSwitch: OK
      testLookupSwitch: OK
      testHiddenField: OK
      checkRemainders: long double OK
      checkMathFcts: OK
      Primes less than 50: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47
      Time for 100,000 iterations of while loop: int: 38 ms, long: 11 ms
      testExc1(simple throw/catch): OK
      testExc2(skip catch clauses): OK
      testExc3(catch in inner): OK
      testExc4(catch in outer): OK
      testExc5(rethrow): OK
      testExc6(throw accross call): OK
      testExc7(throw accr. 2 calls): OK
      testExc8(keep throwing; see if GC works): OK
      testExc9(keep throwing accross fct; see if GC works): OK
      loopExitContinueInExceptionHandler: OK
      testStringHash: OK
      testObjectHash: OK
      testClone: OK
      testObjectArray: OK
      checkInstanceOf: OK
      checkInterfaceInstanceOf: OK
      testWaitNull: OK
      testVarAndMethodNameClash: OK
      testDeepStack: OK
      Error(5): strings should not be identical!
      testGC: OK
      testFileOps: OK
      Timing exception handling: 2 ms
      Timing IO. write(1 byte): 10 ms, read(1 byte): 47 ms
      Timing java.util.Date::toString: 48 ms
      ****** PepTest found an error ******
      [kdos@linux-11 TestPep]$





            sgrarupsunw Steffen Grarup (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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