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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4358808

Java VM (JDK 1.2.2 with Hotspot 2.0/ JDK 1.3) dies completely when user logs ou


    • x86
    • windows_nt

      This is the same bug as described in bug-id: 4323062 except that on installing
      Hotspot 2.0, the VM dies completely when the user logs out from Windows.
      There is no thread dump on Java console on logout as the Javaconsole
      dies along with the VM. The VM process dies out when the user logs
      out from Windows.

      The problem description is essentially the same as in bug: 4323062.
      This problem does not happen when Hoptspot is not installed.
      On the contrary, we see a thread dump on the java console
      and the clients can make connection.

      With Hotspot installed, the problem is also seen
      with the workaround documented in bug: 4323062.

      This problem does not occur on JDK 1.1.x and is seen on JDK 1.2
      and greater versions.

      The problem appears to be as a result of the signals (like ctrl + break)
      accepted by the child process in JDK 1.2 from the parent proces.

      Follow these instructions to reproduce the problems:

      Please install Hotspot 2.0 before starting the test.


      1. Extract the contents of the zip file to say C:\
      2. Assuming this, you would now have a directory C:\testntsvc
      3. Create an "System Variable" TEST_ROOT in Environment tab of the System
         Properties from the "Control Panel" Settings and set C:\testntsvc to
      4. Append C:\testntsvc to your classpath settings in control panel and also
         make sure your CLASSPATH is a "System Variable".
      5. Go to DOS command prompt and go to the directory c:\testntsvc
      6. Type TestNTSvc -install to install the NTService.
      7. Now go to your control panel settings and click on the "Services"
         icon to see if the NT Service "TestNTSvc" is installed.
      8. If it has not been installed please let us know.
      9. If it has been installed, then select the "TestNTSvc"
      in the services window, click on the button "Startup" and set
      the "StartUp Type" to Manual(from Automatic).
      Also check the checkbox for "Allow Service to interact with the Desktop".
      10. Now click on OK Button and close the control panel settings.
      11. Now ensure that you have installed Java2 on your
      NT Workstation.
      12. Open the file "cmdscripts.cfg" file in C:\testntsvc, and update your
      directory path for the various jre vms. You can comment all the lines
      except the line which you intend to invoke a particular JVM, so for example
      you intend to run jre1.2.2, then the following would be the text in the
      file cmdscripts.cfg file:

      adm=d:/jdk1.2.2/jre/bin/java -mx256m -DTEST_ROOT=%TEST_ROOT% testserver
      #adm=f:/jdk1.1.7b/bin/java -mx256m -classpath %classpath%;f:/testntsvc -DTEST_ROOT=%TEST_ROOT% testserver
      #adm=f:/jdk1.1.7b/bin/jre -mx256m -cp f:/testntsvc -DTEST_ROOT=%TEST_ROOT% testserver
      adm=f:/jdk1.1.6/bin/jre -cp f:/testntsvc -DTEST_ROOT=%TEST_ROOT% testserver
      #adm=f:/jdk1.1.6/bin/java -classpath %classpath%;f:/testntsvc -DTEST_ROOT=%TEST_ROOT% testserver
      13. Save the file and close it.
      14. Reboot your workstation so that the classpath and the new "System
      variables" comes into effect.
      15. After booting go to the control panel.
      16. Go to the services panel in control panel and
      start the NT Service "TestNTSvc". You should now see the Java console
      for d:/jdk1.2.2/bin/jre with the statement "wait" being printed
      in the console.

      17. From a client, try telnet server's-ip-address port-number like
          telnet 7080

      18. The telnet works normally after printing the statements on the client console. (We tried on windows clients as well as on solaris clients)

      telnet 7080
      Connected to
      Escape character is '^]'.

      19. Now try logging off the NT Workstation and you will see the JVM process
          dies along with the Javaconsole and the telnet session fails
          when you log back in.

      telnet 7080
      telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

      20) If we un-install Hotspot, on windows logout, we see that the JVM dumps a
      Java thread trace and the telnet sessions works normally when you log back in.

      telnet 7080
      Connected to
      Escape character is '^]'.

            kbr Kenneth Russell (Inactive)
            cprasadsunw Ck Prasad (Inactive)
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