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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4366882

Better error msg when encounter bad symbolic link named '*.java'


        If javadoc encounters a symbolic link whose name ends in '.java' but does not
      point anywhere valid in a source directory it is processing, it will assume
      the file is a source file and try to open it. This results in a IOException which is re-thrown as a FileNotFoundException, which kills javadoc.

        While I don't mind javadoc exiting in this case, it should at least provide some indication of what file caused the exception so that the problem may be
      corrected. In my case, the file started with '.' so it was not immediately
      apparent that there was a bad link in the source directory.

        Although javadoc is using code from javac when the exception occurs, the
      problem is specific to javadoc since it loads every java file in the directory
      whereas the set of javac sources are usually specified more directly.

            gafter Neal Gafter (Inactive)
            dricesunw Daniel Rice (Inactive)
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