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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4368399

JDI: -verbose option passed to debugger launcher fails and hangs vm


    • x86, sparc
    • solaris_8, windows_nt

      Name: pa48320 Date: 09/05/2000

      Two related problems:
      1. can't pass -verbose to debugger vm
      2. debugger vm throws an exception on invalid options but doesn't terminate the VM or return control to the caller.

      I'm running JDK1.3.0-C

      I'm trying to start the debugger with a command-line argument that it doesn't like and I don't believe I've doing anything wrong.

      What I want to do is pass a verbose flag to the debug VM. On the LaunchingConnector, I get the arguments, request the "options" arg and add -verbose:class to my string. I successfully have other arguments in my string such as -Xmx64000000. But when I add a verbose flag, I get the following exception (and you can see my full command line here as well):

      com.sun.jdi.connect.VMStartException: VM initialization failed for: C:\jdk1.3\bin\javaw -classic -Xmx128000000 -Xms128000000 -classpath c:\appdevstudio\webAF\Projects\ConsoleTest;c:\playpen;C:\AppDevStudio\webEIS\webeisapp.jar;C:\AppDevStudio\webAF\Projects\lib; -verbose:class -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_shmem,address=javadebug,suspend=y ConsoleTest
      at com.sun.tools.jdi.AbstractLauncher$Helper.launchAndAccept(AbstractLauncher.java:168)
      at com.sun.tools.jdi.AbstractLauncher.launch(AbstractLauncher.java:109)
      at com.sun.tools.jdi.SunCommandLineLauncher.launch(SunCommandLineLauncher.java:142)
      at com.sas.sdi.RemoteDebugger.startDebuggingApplication(RemoteDebugger.java:173)

      Also, when I get this failure the VM continues to run and I don't get a response back from the "launch". So the VM hangs around until I kill it with TaskManager.

      Am I missing something here?



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            pallenba Peter Allenbach (Inactive)
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