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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4376065

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ClassReader.readPool


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not an Issue
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 1.3.0, 1.4.0
    • tools
    • generic, x86, sparc
    • generic, solaris_2.6, solaris_8, windows_nt

       * Name: traceSample
       * Illustrates trace logging.

      public void traceSample()

      // Entry/exit tracing is useful to see the methods that are executing.
      // Knowing that something bad happened in a program is often not useful --
      // unless you know how you got there!
      // Note that the entry method is wrapped in a test of the public boolean
      // "isLogging." This quick test avoids the overhead of the method call
      // if tracing is off. We've given this entry a type of "public" -- a
      // general public method. The entry method will add TYPE_ENTRY to
      // this as a convenience to the programmer. This example shows
      // that the entry method can accept additional parameters to be
      // traced. These should be the parameters passed into the method
      // whose entry you are tracing.

      int i = 5;
      String s = "This is a test";
      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        trcLogger.entry(TYPE_PUBLIC, className, "traceSample",
                        s, new Integer(i));

      // We would normally only have only one entry call in a method.
      // To illustrate a few points, this methods gets more than one!
      // This example also shows an entry trace with no parameters. If
      // you have more than two parameters, you have to create an Object[],
      // just as was shown for message tracing.

      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        trcLogger.entry(TYPE_PUBLIC, this, "traceSample");

      // Here's an example of creating an Object array of four parameters.

      Object[] parms = {"a", "b", "c", "d"};
      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        trcLogger.entry(TYPE_PUBLIC, className, "traceSample", parms);

      // For general tracing, use the text method. You can trace any String
      // that you care to build. This sample illustrates the use of trace types.

      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        String msg = "1. Trace is valuable when Baddd Things happen to Good Code.";
        trcLogger.text(TYPE_SVC, className, "traceSample", msg);

      // Exceptions can also be traced. Note that you can test the isLogging()
      // method as well as the isLogging boolean.

      if (trcLogger.isLogging())
        trcLogger.exception(TYPE_ERROR_EXC, this, "traceSample", new
      Exception("Testing exception"));

      // Here's one using a NestedException. This allows you to add your own
      // message to that contained in the exception. We'll show it in a try/catch
      // block, just as if you caught an exception and wished to log the error.

        throw new LogException("A message in a LogException");
      catch (LogException e)
        NestedException ne = new NestedException("An additional message in a NestedException", e);
        if (trcLogger.isLogging())
          trcLogger.exception(TYPE_ERROR_EXC, className, "traceSample", ne);

        // Let's do it again, but use a localized message.

        MessageCatalog cat = new
        ne = new NestedException(cat.getMessage("STATIC"), e);
        if (trcLogger.isLogging())
          trcLogger.exception(TYPE_ERROR_EXC, this, "traceSample", ne);

      // If you'd need to see the call stack, use the stackTrace method.

      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        trcLogger.stackTrace(TYPE_PUBLIC, className, "traceSample");

      // Here is an example of tracing an array of bytes.

      byte[] data = new byte[69];
      for (int j = 0; j < 69; j++)
        data[j] = (byte) j;

      trcLogger.data(TYPE_PUBLIC, className, "traceSample", data);

      // Just before we leave a method, add an exit trace. It comes in two
      // flavors: with and without a return code. We'll show both, but, just
      // like entry tracing, you should only have one exit trace in a method.
      // The first example also shows that, in static methods where the "this"
      // object does not exist, you can use a string to name the class.

      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        trcLogger.exit(TYPE_PUBLIC, "com.leh.eq.util.jLog.Sample", "traceSample");

      if (trcLogger.isLogging)
        trcLogger.exit(TYPE_PUBLIC, this, "traceSample", true);

       * Name: managerSample
       * Illustrates use of the {@link com.leh.eq.util.jLog.mgr.LogManager

      public void managerSample()
      PropertyDataStore ds = null;

      // A Log Manager knows about log objects which have been configured in
      // some persistent storage. We have to tell the Log Manager which
      // storage we are using. We'll create one based on the sample properties
      // file used to illustrate the format used by the PropertyDataStore
      // class.

      String propFile = "/com/ibm/logging/samples/DataStore.properties";
        ds = new PropertyDataStore(propFile);
      catch (LogIOException e)
        System.err.println("Oooooo: " + e.getMessage());

      // After creating the data store, a Log Manager is next. This method
      // that only one Log Manager exists.

      LogManager mgr = LogManager.getManager(ds);

      // Once you have a Log Manager, you can get loggers by name. If the
      // configuration has been done properly, they should be ready to go,
      // with handlers attached.
      // Note that these loggers write to the console, not the Text Area used by
      // messageSample and traceSample methods.

      MessageLogger ml1 = (MessageLogger) mgr.getMessageLogger("MessageLogger");

      ml1.message(TYPE_WARN, className, "managerSample", "START_SERVER");

      ml1.text(TYPE_WARN, className, "managerSample",
              "This is a Log Manager demonstration. Insert 1 = {0}. Insert 2 = {1}.",
              new Integer(88), "Parm X");

      TraceLogger tl1 = (TraceLogger) mgr.getTraceLogger("TraceLogger");
      tl1.isLogging = true;

      if (tl1.isLogging)
        tl1.exit(TYPE_PUBLIC, className, "managerSample", 999);

      // The LogManager supports default message and trace loggers. If a named
      // is requested, but no specific configuration for that logger exists, the
      // LogManager will build it from the default configuration (if one exists).
      // Here is an example. There is no configuration for a TestLogger in this

      MessageLogger ml2 = (MessageLogger) mgr.getMessageLogger("TestLogger");
      ml2.text(TYPE_WARN, this, "managerSample",
              "Demonstration of a logger built from the default configuration.");

      // When you are done with the loggers, return them to the Log Manager.


      //------------------------------------------- end of JLog.java------------------------------------------------------

      (Review ID: 110321)

      Name: tb29552 Date: 11/03/2000

      java versiob "1.3.0"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0-C)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0-C, mixed mode)

      Source code :

      import java.io.*;
      import java.awt.*;
      import java.awt.event.*;

      class IntegerFieldListener implements ActionListener {
          int value;
          String name;
          TextField txtfield;
          MsgCanvas msg;

          public void setField (TextField tf, Label lab, MsgCanvas m) {
              name = lab.getText();
              txtfield = tf;
              msg = m;

          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
              String str = event.getActionCommand();

              System.out.println("Changed "+name+" "+str);
              try {
                  value = Integer.parseInt(str);
                  System.out.println(name+" set to "+value);
              catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                  if (txtfield != null) txtfield.setText("");
                  if (str == null) {
                      System.out.println("A value must be supplied for "+name);
                      msg.setText("A value must be supplied for "+name);
                  else {
                      System.out.println("Error parsing string "+str);
                      msg.setText("Error parsing string "+str);

      Produces compiler output:

      An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.3.0). Please file a bug at the Java
      Developer Connection (http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi). Include your
      program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.code.ClassReader.fillIn(ClassReader.java:984)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:366)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.loadClass(Resolve.java:460)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.findGlobalType(Resolve.java:528)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.findType(Resolve.java:579)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.findIdent(Resolve.java:610)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.resolveIdent(Resolve.java:771)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr._case(Attr.java:1044)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.tree.Tree$Ident.visit(Tree.java:983)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:234)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr.attribType(Attr.java:269)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Enter$MemberEnter._case(Enter.java:730)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.tree.Tree$VarDef.visit(Tree.java:470)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:366)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Enter.main(Enter.java:544)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.JavaCompiler.compile(JavaCompiler.java:357)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.Main.compile(Main.java:247)
      at com.sun.tools.javac.Main.main(Main.java:16)

        Tool completed with exit code 4

      Code compiles and executes properly on Solaris
      java -version
      java version "1.2.1"
      Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2.1_04c, native threads, sunwjit)
      (Review ID: 111777)

      Name: tb29552 Date: 10/03/2000


      An exception has occurred in the compiler. (v0.8)
      Please file a bug report by sending your program and the following
      diagnostic to

         Thank you.

      java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -2063582768
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:263)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.loadClass(Resolve.java:500)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.findType(Resolve.java:604)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Resolve.findIdent(Resolve.java:623)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr._case(Attr.java:1289)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.tree.Tree$Ident.visit(Tree.java:815)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr.attribTree(Attr.java:250)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr.attribType(Attr.java:281)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Attr.attribBase(Attr.java:324)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.code.Symbol.complete(Symbol.java:263)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.comp.Enter.main(Enter.java:615)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.Main.compile(Main.java:247)
              at com.sun.tools.javac.Main.main(Main.java:16)

      the java src code is
      * A Simple client interface to the IBM JLog package
      //package com.leh.eq.util;
      import java.io.*;
      import java.net.*;
      import java.text.*;
      import java.util.*;

      import com.ibm.logging.*;
      import com.ibm.logging.mgr.*;

       * This sample program demonstrates how one might use the Logging Toolkit
       * to log messages and trace the flow of a program.

      // If your program implements IRecordType, you do not have to preface
      // every use of the TYPE_XXX constants with the interface name.

      public class JLog implements IRecordType
      private static final String S = "TEST"; // ICopyright.COPYRIGHT_98_99;

      // Indicate whether we are running as an applet or an application.

      private transient boolean isApplet = false;

      // Name the file containing our message texts.

      private static final String MSG_FILE = "com.leh.eq.util.jLog.samples.Msgs";

      // Define the name of this class for the logging methods.

      private String className;

      // Define a few logging objects that are needed in this sample application.
      // They could certainly be initialized here, but we will do it in
      // init(), just to keep it all in one place. These objects are
      // global in scope because this is a small application. In a larger
      // program, you may want to create more loggers with limited scope to
      // selectively control logging in different parts of the program.
      // To start, we need at least one message logger and one trace logger.
      // We'll create several different handlers to demonstrate how they
      // can be connected. See the init method for more on this.

      private transient MessageLogger msgLogger;

      private transient TraceLogger trcLogger;

      private transient FileHandler msgLog;
      private transient FileHandler trcLog;

       * Name: main
       * Main entry point for the <code>Sample</code> application.
       * This sample takes no arguments.

      public static void main(String args[])
      // Create a Sample object and start it.

      JLog sample = new JLog();

      sample.isApplet = false;
      // sample.destroy();

       * Name: Sample
       * Creates a <code>JLog</code>.

      public JLog()

       * Name: init
       * Initializes the logging system.

      public void init()
      // Get the name of this class.

      className = this.getClass().getName();

      // To log messages, we must create at least one MessageLogger. We
      // recommend always giving loggers a name and a description.

      msgLogger = new MessageLogger("MsgLogger", "Sample Message Logger");

      // To trace program execution, we need at least one TraceLogger. Like the
      // MessageLogger, we will give this one a name and a description.

      trcLogger = new TraceLogger("TrcLogger", "Sample Trace Logger");

      // Without at least one Handler, the message and trace data is lost.
      // In this sample, we will create several different handlers: one
      // to send data to the console and two to log to separate files. The
      // console will receive message and trace data. One file will receive
      // messages and the other, trace data. The point is that, if you want,
      // you can send the same data to different devices. Perhaps you want error
      // messages displayed on a console, and all messages logged to a file.

      // The Logging Toolkit code is provided in signed JAR and CAB files for the
      // and Internet Explorer browsers. This is required for Netscape, as their
      // implementation of getResourceAsStream will not read the log message
      // (properties) file unless it is in a JAR file.
      // Even though the JAR is signed, the Logging Toolkit contains no browser
      // requests. This prevents people from doing Really Bad Things in their
      // application and causing the browser to pop a window that says that IBM is
      // requesting privileges to do things that the normal security of a browser
      // will not allow. If you need to do things like write to the local file
      // system or make a sockets connection to a machine other than your web
      // you must place the proper browser security requests in your own
      // and sign its JAR/CAB files.
      // In this application, there are several places where things are done
      // depending on whether the program is running as an application or an
      // This is merely because this sample runs in an unsigned JAR or CAB and the
      // browser won't let it do some things. Here's the first. An applet can't
      // to the local file system.

        msgLog = new FileHandler("MsgLog", "Message Log", "Message.log");
        trcLog = new FileHandler("TrcLog", "Trace Log");

      // The basic MessageLogger configuration is complete when you attach
      // to it at least one Handler. Ours get two handlers.


      // The text for log messages is usually kept in a resource bundle and the
      // message text is accessed by a "key," which is, essentially, a name for
      // the text. If you have only one bundles containing your message text
      // it is probably easier to pass its name to the message logger and
      // use the message() methods that don't include a message file name.
      // We'll do just that.


      // There are a few fields in a message that tend not to vary from record
      // to record. If we want them included in the formatted message, we have
      // to tell the MessageLogger. Let's include them all. In practice,
      // an application might not have a server associated with it -- but an
      // applet would. We'll just make up a server name. We'll get our
      // IP name and use that as our client name.

      msgLogger.setComponent("Tester ");

      String client = "localhost";

      // Here's another restriction. Applets can't get their host name.

          client = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
        catch (UnknownHostException uE)

      // For the trace logger, we just add the desired handlers.
      // Note that the message logger and the trace logger share the
      // console handler, but their data is going to separate files.


      // The default filter in the handlers logs all messages. Let's change
      // this so that only warning and error messages go to the console.
      // We'll leave the message log alone, so that it receives all messages.
      // Note that it is possible to set a filter in the loggers, too.
      // In practice, you will probably pick one place or the other, not both.
      // If you set different filters in different loggers, you can control the
      // kind of data logged in different parts of your program. If you set the
      // filters in the handlers, you control what goes to each output device.

      // Message logging is enabled when the MessageLogger is created.
      // Trace logging is off. Let's turn it on.

      trcLogger.isLogging = true;


       * Name: destroy
      public void destroy()

      // Before we terminate, stop the handlers, which are running on
      // their own threads.

       * Name: runSample()
       * Runs the sample, which demonstrates programming using the Logging
       * Toolkit.

      public void runSample()
      // Illustrate message logging.


      // Illustrate trace logging.


      // Demonstrate how a Log Manager is used.


       * Name: messageSample
       * Illustrates message logging.

      public void messageSample()
      // Here are some samples of message logging. In this example, a
      // static message (no run-time information) is logged. It is an
      // informational message. This message will not be written to the
      // console, since its message mask only includes warning and error
      // messages.

      msgLogger.message(TYPE_INFO, this, "messageSample", "START_SERVER");

      // Here is a message that shows how to insert run-time information
      // into a message. This is similar to the C-language printf function,
      // which accepts an arbitrary number of values to be plugged into a
      // message. We'll insert the day and a temperature into this message.
      // In Msgs.java, you will see that "day" is represented by "{0}" and
      // "temp" by "{1}". Substitution of variables into the text depends on
      // the order in which the variables are passed to the message method.

      SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE");
      Date date = new Date();
      String day = sf.format(date);
      Integer temp = new Integer(91);

      msgLogger.message(TYPE_WARN, className, "messageSample", "HOT_DAY", day,

      // If you have more than two objects to insert in a message, you have to
      // build an Object array. We'll just use the same string and two objects.
      // If you like arrays, you can always use this approach!

      Object[] inserts = new Object[2];
      inserts[0] = day;
      inserts[1] = new Integer(101); // It's really hot now!

      msgLogger.message(TYPE_WARN, className, "messageSample", "HOT_DAY",

      // If your message is being logged in a static method, there is
      // no "this" object from which the class name can be derived. You have
      // to name the class. You can use this approach even in a non-static
      // method, if you are so inclined.

      msgLogger.message(TYPE_ERR, "com.leh.eq.util.jLog.Sample", "messageSample",

      // These message logging examples work because the message file to use
      // was specified using the setMessageFile() method. We can, instead, name
      // the message file on every message() call. We'll remove the message file
      // to demonstrate that this approach works as well. (Note that the msg()
      // methods, not message(), are used when you want to specify the key and the
      // message file.)
      // You have to name the message file if you have more than one, though you
      // could call MessageLogger.setMessageFile for the most commonly used
      // message file and use the msg methods only when needed.


      msgLogger.msg(TYPE_ERR, this, "messageSample",
                    "STATIC", MSG_FILE);


      // Message logging is intended to be done through message keys and
      // resource bundles so that the messages can be translated. However,
      // some support is available for logging non-translatable text messages.
      // These methods accept additional Objects, which are displayed through
      // their toString methods. These objects are inserted into the message
      // text using the MessageFormat class, as is done with the message and
      // msg methods.

      msgLogger.text(TYPE_WARN, className, "messageSample",
                     "This method has no additional parameters.");

      msgLogger.text(TYPE_WARN, this, "messageSample",
                     "This method adds two additional parameters: {0}, {1}",
                     new Integer(51), "Parm 2");

      // Exceptions can also be traced.

      msgLogger.exception(TYPE_ERR, className, "messageSample",
                            new Exception("Exception demo."));

      // Handlers may also operate in a circular mode, buffering log records
      // until they are told to dump the queue. In this example, the records
      // whose message texts are "Circular test 0" and "Circular test 1" will be
      // lost when the buffer wraps.

      ConsoleHandler ch = new ConsoleHandler();
      for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        msgLogger.text(TYPE_WARN, className, "messageSample",
                       "Circular test " + i);

      // After a handler is stopped, it can be restarted with a subsequent call
      // to start().

      for (int i = 20; i < 25; i++)
        msgLogger.text(TYPE_WARN, className, "messageSample",
                       "Circular test " + i);


            gafter Neal Gafter (Inactive)
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