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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4378209

Doc for javax.jnlp.ServiceManager does not specify the service name format


    • sparc
    • solaris_7

      Name: dfR10049 Date: 10/11/2000

      The format of service name is not specified properly in the ServiceManager doc.
      Javadoc for ServiceManager.lookup() states:

          Asks the JNLP Client for a service with a given name.
              name - Name of service to lookup.
              An object implementing the service.

      This doc does not prohibit to use different names for the same service
      in different implementations.
      For example: 3 different implementations can use different names:
      "javax.jnlp.BasicService", "BasicService", "MyFavouriteService".
      for the one javax.jnlp.BasicService service.
      Their lookup method will return an instance of javax.jnlp.BasicService
      by the name. But it's too difficult to detect what service will be returned
      by "MyFavouriteService" name in this way.

      My suggestion is: specify that name parameter should be
      fully qualified class name of service and returned object
      should be instance of this class.


            rschmidtsunw Rene Schmidt (Inactive)
            fdasunw Fda Fda (Inactive)
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